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他是我曩昔的上级。He is my sometime boss.

有空给我打电话。Give me a call sometime.

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但是我们将来应该去。But we should go sometime.

哪天有机会你也应该试试。You should try it sometime.

我们改天在战网上聊吧。Let's chat on Battle sometime.

你为什么不找个时间来家找我?。Why don't you drop in sometime?

是的,我们将来应该尝试一下。Yes, we should try it sometime.

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我是客岁春天什么时间买的。I bought it sometime last spring.

我下个月会找时间顺道去拜访。I'll drop by sometime next month.

约翰.罗尔夫死于1622年。John Rolfe died sometime in 1622.

也许今后咱们有机遇在一起。Mayby we can get jointly sometime.

也许今后咱们有机遇在一起。Mayby we can get togetIT sometime.

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比尔,保重。有时间来看看我。Take care, Bill. Drop by sometime.

也许今后我们有机会云起。Mayby we can get together sometime.

但是最早以前这可是一座衙门。But sometime earlier, it was a Yamen.

或许某个时候我还会再尝试这样的状态。I’ll have to try that again sometime.

也许今后咱们有机会在一起。Mayby we can get by oneself sometime.

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啥时候去喝杯咖啡吧?。Could we get a cup of coffee sometime?

想不想找时间去看场电影?。Do you want to catch a movie sometime?

给他们打个电话,约个时间出去逛逛吧。Give them a call and hang out sometime.