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但是发展中国家今天不应该误读历史。Developing countries today should not misinterpret history, however.

然而,我们的政策制订者会错读新闻,并复制一九三七年的错误吗?But will policy makers misinterpret the news and repeat the mistakes of 1937?

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我最大的问题是人们总是误解我,认为我很有攻击性。My biggest problem is that people always misinterpret me as being aggressive.

因此,电信企业在对业务成本进行测算和分析时普遍存在着误差和曲解。So there are errs and misinterpret in calculating and analyzing business cost.

用些创造力,你能故意曲解许多她说的话。With a bit of creativity, you can deliberately misinterpret pretty much anything she says.

对于一项工作的批评太容易被误解为人身攻击了。It’s only too easy to misinterpret a critical comment about a piece of work as a personal attack.

假如你并不了解一个人的基准线,那么犹豫就会非常容易的被误解为撒谎。If you don’t know the person’s baseline you could misinterpret hesitant speech as a sign of lying.

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我们通过查找创建它的目录的来源,通常会对该错误作出误判。We often misinterpret this error by looking into the source of the directory where it was created.

然而,我们要当心,千万不要对这种期盼和现实之间的巨大鸿沟产生误解。We should, however, be careful not to misinterpret the yawning gap between expectations and fulfilments.

现在,在你们中一些高智商人们感到冒犯,并要写信给我之前,请不要误读了我的写作。Now, before you highly intelligent folk get all offended and write to me, don't misinterpret what I'm saying.

我举此例,意在假定在座听众没有人会误解鄙人所论乃犬儒之言。I take it for granted that no hearer of mine will misinterpret what I have to say as the language of cynicism.

很多时候,即便没有人想要伤害他们,人们还是会感到受到伤害,因为他们误解了别人的语言和行为。Often, people feel hurt, when no one even tried to hurt them, because they misinterpret people’s words and actions.

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智信者深体佛法之精神,迷信者曲解宗教之美意。A wise believer understands the essence of Buddhism, Those who are superstitious misinterpret the virtue of religion.

所以当话题转到办公室政治的时候,趁别人套你的话之前赶紧离开。When conversations turn to inter-office politics, get out before someone can misinterpret your words to fit their cause.

如果某一页有过多结构,用户会对每个元素的位置感到疑惑并曲解其本意。If a page has too many elements, the viewer will be confused about where to look or misinterpret the priority of each element.

如果人们误解某一单词或短语,你可能需要使用一个比较简单的单词或解释技术或法律术语。If people misinterpret a particular word or phrase, perhaps you need to use a simpler word or explain a technical or legal term.

很多人都会错误地认为由于错过了时机所以他们无法找到真爱。The mistake many people make here is to misinterpret the signs to mean that they will never find love because the timing was off.

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一项研究发现睡眠被剥夺的上晚班的医疗实习生他们误判病人病情测试结果的几率要多一倍。One study found that sleep-deprived medical interns working on the night shift were twice as likely to misinterpret patients’ test results.

二是当时大量读者、听众的非审美性的接受动机,也造成了对苏轼词的曲解与误读。On the other hand, the anti-aesthetic acceptant motive make the misinterpret and misreading of many readers and audience then to Sushi's Ci.

消费者很可能被血糖仪显示的结果误导,认为自己血糖过高或过低。Consumers may misinterpret the blood glucose results displayed, overestimating blood glucose levels, and may have a reaction of hypoglycemia.