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民俗学的知识基础是田野作业。Fieldwork is the basic knowledge of folklore.

田野调查是民族学研究的主要方法。Fieldwork is the main method applied in ethnological studies.

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这就是为什么对北极海冰进行实地科考很重要。That's why doing fieldwork on Arctic sea ice is so important.

他长年累月在大西北从事野外工作。Year in year out he has been doing fieldwork in the Northwest.

再过几年,他就要老了,不能再做这种艰苦的野外作业了。In a few years he would be getting too old for the hard fieldwork.

现场调查工作是很艰苦的,可是她骑上摩托车就去。She went out on the back of a motorcycle and did rigorous fieldwork.

作者在梅县获见一批地方古契书。I got some local ancient contract books when I do fieldwork in Mei county.

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这一调查结果为人类学对母系制的研究提供了新的田野样本。This fieldwork brings a new example for the studies of matrilineal system.

很多大学生过去常常对暑期实地调查作业草草了事。Many college students used to rush through their summer fieldwork projects.

以及作为田野工作调查点大土村的基本情况。As well as fieldwork investigation points Otsuchi the basic situation of the village.

该课程由讲座、导师辅导课、以及临床实践组成。The course comprises lectures tutorials laboratories and clinical fieldwork practice.

在衣索比亚实地考察期间,他起草了一份一个倡导和平组织的计划。During his fieldwork in Ethiopia, he drafted a plan for a peace advocacy organization.

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你尽可放目四野,饱览“江山如此多娇”的秀容美貌。Put your head fieldwork where possible, enjoy the "land so, " the show tolerance beauty.

对陕北礼俗音乐的班社作了系统的田野调查和社会学统计。The fieldwork and sociology statistics about groups of folk ritual music have been done.

挖掘现场环境恶劣,操作人员不宜在现场工作。Digging locale's environment is execrable , so it is unsuitable for operator's fieldwork.

现通过实地考察对岩柱群地貌的形成提出了初步的见解。In this paper, we presented a preliminary view of the formation of landforms by fieldwork.

我在整理组织几年来的拍摄作品并重温麝猫的野外研究数据。I’m sorting through and organizing years of tracking and recapture data from my civet fieldwork.

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试图预知这样的流行病,传统上依赖于地面上的野外作业。Attempts to foresee epidemics such as these have traditionally relied on fieldwork on the ground.

为使研究层面更深入,笔者决定选择河南省杞县为田野考查对象。The author decides to choose Qi county of Henan province as the fieldwork survey target to study deeply.

目前正在继续攻读环境人类学博士学位,并在四川省凉山州盐源县羊圈村从事田野作业。Her fieldwork site in China is Yangjuan Village, Yanyuan County, Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province.