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而是一个抽象名词。It's an abstract noun.

它是抽象名词。It is an abstract noun.

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他是一名抽象艺术家。He is an abstract artist.

他是一个抽象派画家。He is an abstract painter.

链接到文章摘要。Link to abstract of article.

比起写实派,我更喜欢抽象派。I prefer abstract to realism.

作品为抽象主义绘画。The work is of abstract style.

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中国有抽象主义艺术吗?。IS There Abstract Art in China?

一个抽象路径名的过滤器。A filter for abstract pathnames.

我很抽象但我一直是南波万!I am abstract but always No. 1 !

“幸福”这个词是抽象名词吗?Is "happiness" an abstract noun?

第一个是一个抽象的方面。The first is an abstract aspect.

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口腔期人格也有一些抽象的表现。But it can also be more abstract.

你对抽象画有兴趣吗?Do you go for abstract paintings?

试着画一幅抽象画吧。Try to make an abstract painting.

抽象类的方式也很好。An abstract class is good as well.

你对抽象画儿有兴趣吗?Do you go for abstract paintings ?

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我现在只是在泛泛而谈。I'm just talking the abstract now.

不要这样抽象地谈问题。Don't speak in such abstract terms.

把这部小说的摘要交上来。Hand in your abstract of the novel.