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指定子目录的驱动器盘符和文件夹路径。specifies the Drive letter and folder path to subdirectories

显示目录中的文件和子目录列表。DIR Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.

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带时间戳的子目录包含已发布的构建结果。The time-stamped subdirectories contain the published build results.

它还不能尽如子目录去查看需要上载的文件。It can't navigate into subdirectories to find additional files to upload.

这些子目录将获取概要文件实例的全部内容。These subdirectories capture the entire contents of the profile instance.

接下来,它对每个文件应用样式,然后为子目录递归地调用自身。Next it styles every file and recursively calls itself for subdirectories.

这个列表本身由样式表在子目录的列表上构建的。The list itself is built by the style sheet from the list of subdirectories.

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在此示例中,用户可以指定是否同时复制子目录。In this example, the user can specify whether to also copy the subdirectories.

将通过任何子目录列表递归并包含所有资源。Will recurse through any subdirectories listed and include all assets inside them.

执行权限允许用户输入目录并访问任意子目录。Execute permission allows the user to enter the directory and access any subdirectories.

您在下载了压缩文档并对其进行解压缩后,您将拥有四个子目录。After you have downloaded the archive and expanded it, you will have four subdirectories.

每个档案应解压缩到1.44兆软盘与复苏的子目录启用。Each file should be unzipped onto a 1.44 Mb floppy with recovery of subdirectories enabled.

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您还可以创建复杂的档案口罩包括一些子目录,而排除其他人。You can also create complex file masks to include some subdirectories while excluding others.

它是通过列出所有目录内容,然后分成文件和子目录开始的。It starts by listing all the directory content and separating it into files and subdirectories.

此类文件示例已在前面列出,位于安装根目录的子目录中。Examples of these files were listed earlier and are found the subdirectories of the install root.

返回一个字符串集合,这些字符串表示目录内子目录的路径名。Returns a collection of strings representing the path names of subdirectories within a directory.

将要在此目录下创建首层子目录的数量。默认值为16。Number of first-level subdirectories which will be created under the Directory. The default is 16.

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需要更改的大部分配置文件都位于资源的子目录。Most of the configuration files that need to be changed are located in the subdirectories of resources.

用于该表单的模板文件随产品安装在特定于地区的子目录中。The template files used for this form are installed with the product in locale-specific subdirectories.

但在您删除后,目录本身及其所有子目录又会立即出现在原来的位置。However, as soon as you do that, the directory itself and all its subdirectories pop right back up again.