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他们都富有深意。They are redolent of meaning.

在这座博物馆底下,游客可以在无人陪伴的情况下独自沿着一条气味浓烈的泄水道漫步。Underneath, visitors can stroll unaccompanied along a redolent sluiceway.

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你们还可以说,他们似乎充满深意。A second thing you can say about them is that they seem redolent of meaning.

红浆果、黑巧克力与黑橄榄的气息紧随其后。Tightly defined, redolent of redcurrant, dark chocolate and black olive notes.

大家和我一起酿造甜蜜的生活,大家和我一起共享芬芳的思想。I wish everybody could brewage the treacly living and enjoy the redolent idea with me.

使人人在上帝王国里变得华美而芳馨。May each one become beautiful in color and redolent of fragrance in the kingdom of God.

感情在一种类似童年的力量伴随下激发-恐惧,失落,爱。Emotions — fear, loss, love — are evoked with a strange, oblique power redolent of childhood.

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我们进入一个昏暗的洞穴,里面充满了男人的气味&枪油、雪茄烟味和擦靴子油味。We entered a dark cavern redolent with manly scents& gun oil and cigar smoke and boot polish.

刷漆过程中,油漆散发出浓烈的刺鼻味,于是我对漆的质量产生怀疑。Painting process, paint is redolent with the pungent smell, so I doubt the quality of the paint.

该主题采用的当代背景,令人联想起传统的圣母与圣子。Nevertheless, the modern setting of the subject is redolent of the traditional madonna and child.

吱吱嘎嘎作响的车厢里,新鲜爆玉米花的香气四溢,诱惑难以阻挡。The whole creaky carriage car was redolent with the irresistible smell of freshly popped popcorn.

她的手脚能感觉到温暖,安全和可靠,也想起了春天和夏天弥漫的芬芳。Warm to her hands and bare feet, secure and enfolding , redolent with aromas of spring and summer.

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实验发出的浓烈气味使霍维茨博士的实验室遭到了不少抱怨。The redolent draft from these experiments caused a certain degree of complaint in Dr. Horvitz’s lab.

它是小建筑和更新、更大的棚式建筑,鱼腥味和柴油味的混合物。It is an amalgam of small buildings and newer, giant shed-like structures, redolent of fish and diesel oil.

塞尔维亚政府对此作出强烈谴责,令人想起这个国家暴力极端民族主义的历史。The Serbian government has responded angrily to scenes all too redolent of the country's violent ultra-nationalist past.

很快,散发着广藿香芬芳的羊毛披肩在19世纪的法国流行了开来,带动了将广藿香作为原始香材使用的风潮。Soon, patchouli redolent shawls become fashionable in the 19th century France, paralleling the rise of patchouli as a fragrance ingredient.

她看到的是一个空荡荡、阴森森的大戏院,还带着昨夜演出的余香和排场,它以富丽堂皇和具有东方情调而著称。She saw a large, empty, shadowy play-house, still redolent of the perfumes and blazonry of the night, and notable for its rich, oriental appearance.

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统治者和垄断主体一般都会不厌其烦地设计出一个权威性标识,用于显示自己的绝对权力和无所不在。Rulers and dominant entities typically go to great lengths to establish an authoritative image, redolent of their supreme power and ubiquitous presence.

酒评酒体平衡,口感浓郁且集中,入口柔顺,有着黑霉、多香果、甘草和香子兰的混合香气,回味无穷。Tastint Note Well balanced, supple and rich, with a mouth-filling center, this award winner is redolent of blackberries, allspice , licorice and vanilla.

春天带着我来到了稻田旁,金灿灿的小花散发着光芒,绿油油的稻田散发着芳香,我允吸着大自然的味道。I came to the rice fields with a spring next to the flowers exudes light golden, green rice paddies redolent with fragrance, I Yun adsorption taste of nature.