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我们需要一份植物检疫证书。We need a phytosanitary Certificate.

我们需要一份植物检疫证书。Wee need a phytosanitary Certificate.

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咱们需求一份植物检疫证书。We commor a phytosanitary Certificate.

植物检疫措施应在技术上是合理的。Phytosanitary measures should be technically justified.

工作,统一检疫程序将继续下去。Work on harmonized phytosanitary procedures will continue.

没有充分的技术理由,不应采取植物检疫行动。Phytosanitary actions should not be taken without sufficient technical justification.

这也有利于种植园进行当前季节的植物检疫。It is also favourable for the present season the phytosanitary state of the plantations.

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植物检疫证明书须于本办事处一号柜位领取。Phytosanitary Certificate is required to be collected over the Counter No. 1 of this office.

和F,其制备方法,以及作为细胞抑制剂和植物保护剂的应用。Epothilone C. D. E and F, production process, and their use as cytostatic as well as phytosanitary agents.

产地证明、植物检疫证明和非木质包装证明正本和副本各一份。One original and one copy of the certificate of origin, phytosanitary certificate, and non-wooden packing certificate.

本协定适用于所有可能直接或间接影响国际贸易的卫生与植物卫生措施。This Agreement applies to all sanitary and phytosanitary measures which may, directly or indirectly, affect international trade.

中国应确保卫生及检疫措施有科学依据,且切实可行,同时中国还应消除非关税壁垒措施。China should ensure that sanitary and phytosanitary measures are science based and practical, and should eliminate nontariff barriers.

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委员会应鼓励和便利各成员之间就特定的卫生与植物卫生问题进行不定期的磋商或谈判。The Committee shall encourage and facilitate ad hoc consultations or negotiations among Members on specific sanitary or phytosanitary issues.

因此,所有木质包装材料的真实原产地难以确定,从而使其植物检疫状况也不能确定。Therefore, the true origin of any piece of wood packing material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained.

不可以使用化学敷料的种子,除非国家法律规定植物检疫中的化学种子处理。Seeds with chemical dressing may not be used, except for countries, where legislation pre scribes chemical seed treatment for phytosanitary reasons.

秘书处负责IPPC下有关植物检疫措施全球协调一致工作计划方面的协调。The Secretariat has the responsibility FOR coordination of the work programme FOR the global harmonization of phytosanitary measures under the IPPC.

植保将率先在该地区的成员支持采用了基于风险的办法自圆其说检疫管理和调控。EPPO will take a lead in the region in its support of members by using its risk-based approach in justifying phytosanitary management and regulation.

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植物检疫证书是证明货物的植物检疫状况符合植物检疫法规的官方文件。PhytosANitary certificate is AN official document which attests to the phytosANitary status of ANy consignment affected by phytosANitary regulations.

全部包装或包装的任一部分均应满足中国动植物卫生检疫法律、法规的规定。All or any part of the packages must be in conformity with the requirements specified in the sanitary and phytosanitary laws and regulations of China.

该门户网站由粮农组织与负责制定卫生及植物检疫事项的国际组织合作开发。It has been developed by FAO in association with the organizations responsible for international standard setting in sanitary and phytosanitary matters.