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再难我们也一路走来了,又何惧更远的。Then we also along the way, why fear further afield.

但投资人也必须开始看得更远.But investors must also start looking farther afield.

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这家服装店吸引了远至斯旺西的顾客。The salon attracts clients from as far afield as swansea.

有时他们被水或风带到更远的地方。Sometimes they are carried farther afield by water or by wind.

美国必须在不通过远方基地部署武器的情况下提供安全保障。The United States must provide security without basing weapons far afield.

九寨沟的美景吸引了来自欧洲乃至更远方的游客。The beauty of JiuZhaigou attracts tourists from the Europe and far afield.

如今去那里就简单多了,但是这个岛仍然非常偏远。Getting there today is far easier, but the island is still very far afield.

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拥有一艘航空母舰后,中国将有能力对极远的地区投放军力。An aircraft-carrier would enable China to project power much further afield.

牧人把羊群赶到野外,用夜晚的新鲜露水催肥。The herdsman drove afield battening his flocks with the fresh dews of night.

一些他们使用的物质来自缅甸和远东这么远的地方。Some of the materials they used came from as far afield as Burma and the Far East.

现在我们已经讨论得非常深入和广泛了。And by now we've gone rather far afield in the search for an interpretation of that claim.

所以,最近金正日的特使不远万里,据报道现在欧洲进行活动。So Mr Kim's envoys have travelled further afield of late, reportedly doing the rounds of Europe.

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附近商店有各种装修材料,我们不必舍近求远。The local shops have all sorts of decorating materials – there's no need for us to go far afield.

至于中国没有在远离大陆的地方殖民的原因,就在于中国并没有这种需求。As for why China never colonized lands farther afield the main reason was that China didn't need to.

我开始主要研究野蘑菇,后来也广泛涉足植物学的其它方面。I started out identifying wild mushrooms, but since then I've gone far afield in other branches of botany.

在离目标较远的距离上F-35长机飞行员从飞机的内部武器舱投出了一枚GBU-12激光制导炸弹。The lead F-35 pilot releases a GBU-12 from the aircraft's internal weapons bay far afield from the target.

垂钓者不惜从德国等地来到这里,希望钓到这条像小狗一样大小的鲤鱼。Fishermen from as far afield as Germany trekked to this lake hoping to hook a fish the size of a family dog.

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他称高鼎游艇的买家甚至远达俄罗斯、马耳他和西班牙。He said that Jade's select slate of customers so far has come from as far afield as Russia, Malta and Spain.

在工业革命时代,装备着贝德尔旅游指南、刚刚富裕起来的观光客们开始离家远游。In the era of the Industrial Revolution, newly wealthy sightseers armed with Baedekers began roaming afield.

组织者希望最终由政府资助这种方案,并把它扩展到更偏僻的地区。Organisers hope the scheme will eventually be funded by the government and extended to regions further afield.