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有个成天梦想成星的小姑娘,长途飞行期间,身边坐着一个律师。A starlet is seated next to a lawyer on a long flight.

利物浦正尾百度行西班牙新星凯文·拉克鲁兹。Liverpool are on the trail of Spanish starlet Kevin Lacruz.

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比赛开始10分钟,西班牙小将任意球弧线钻进网窝。The Spanish starlet curled home a superb free-kick after 10 minutes.

据报道利物浦一月份希望引进达伽马的新星尼尔顿。Liverpool are poised for a January move for Vasco da Gama starlet Nilton.

尤文图斯的希望之星已经保证他的将来就在斑马军团。Juventus starlet Raffaele Palladino has pledged his future to the Bianconeri.

卡尔文·克莱因雇用童星波姬小丝替他所设计的牛仔裤做广告宣传。Calvin Klein hired starlet Brooke Shields to advertise his designer jean wear.

她非常受欢迎,即使她不算传统意义上的最美女星。She is well-loved, even if she’s not the most traditionally beautiful starlet.

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有报道称利物浦正在角逐阿根廷新星穆萨齐奥。Liverpool are reportedly in the race to sign Argentine starlet Mateo Musacchio.

利物浦今天完成了爱尔兰新星阿莱克斯·奥汉隆的签约。Liverpool Football Club today completed the signing of Irish starlet Alex O'Hanlon.

十几年前,难以想象一个初出茅庐的小明星会带着一台移动电脑到处跑。A decade ago, a starlet toting around a portable computer would have been unthinkable.

PSV埃因霍温确认了切尔西新星拉伊科维奇的租借到来。PSV Eindhoven have confirmed the arrival of Chelsea starlet Slobodan Rajkovic on loan.

这名年轻新星说他对高卢雄鸡的破门将在他的记忆中长存。The starlet says his strike against Les Bleus is one which will live long in his memory.

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智利新星阿莱西斯-桑切斯已经做好准备今夏转会英格兰或西班牙联赛的准备。Chilean starlet Alexis Sanchez has opened the door for a summer move to England or Spain.

安德列·舍甫琴科认为,巴西人卡卡将在米兰延续他的足迹。Andriy Shevchenko believes that Brazilian starlet Kaka will become his successor at Milan.

他向前女友维拉凯耶斯求助。维拉是一个年轻明星,她已经得到了辛克莱尔的青睐。He enlisted the help of his former lover Vera Keyes, a starlet who had caught Sinclair's eye.

它所含有的蜂皇浆为皮肤带来光彩。我不会再买其他产品。The royal jelly gives you a glow worthy of a hollywood starlet. will never buy anything else.

那时他的动作华丽,他讲意大利语,他曾带R&B小天后布兰迪去参加高中的舞会。He had flashy moves, he spoke Italian, and he took R&B starlet Brandy to his high school prom.

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下半时,麦克马洪对球队做出了调整,用兴奋不已的西班牙小将苏索替换因斯。McMahon made a switch for the second half when exciting Spanish starlet Suso came on for Ince.

奥利维亚·王尔德在这群女明星中算是比较靠谱的,因为她很适合动作片中的角色。Olivia Wilde should be a front runner because she fit the role of an action starlet perfectly.

利物浦小将因苏阿帮助阿根廷队在周日创记录地第六次获得了20岁以下世界杯的冠军。Liverpool starlet Emiliano Insua helped Argentina win a record sixth Under-20 World Cup on Sunday.