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也许只是个臆想,从杂乱无章的生活里蹦出的臆想。Maybe it's just a fantasy, emerged from the disordered life.

纱线的表层纤维的排列变得紊乱、毛糙。The surface fibers of the yarn become disordered and coarse.

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晶体是一种有序的固体,和无序固体相反。Crystal is an ordered solid, as opposed to a disordered solid.

探讨提高帕金森病运动障碍的有效办法。To study effective method for disordered sports of parkinsonism.

紧张不安加上坏心眼一般是背后议人是非的原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

神经过敏和承受力差是产生流言蜚语的常见原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

神经过敏和承担力差是生成流言蜚语的常见原因。Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of backbiting.

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当他们到达夜盗现场时房间被弄得乱七八糟。The room was disordered when they arrived at the scene of the burglary.

人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里。There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty, dark, disordered rooms.

混乱是指要素的无序状态,大自然中通常出现这种情况。Chaos is a disordered state of elements and it is found frequently in nature.

往往称为错乱的愤怒,表现为比一般更为强烈的程度。Disordered anger, as it's sometimes called, tends to be of greater intensity.

当射线的强度相对较低时,这些离子仍处于无序状态。When the intensity of the beam was relatively low, the ions remained disordered.

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在大爆炸之后不久,整个宇宙处于一片杂乱无章的混沌状态之中。Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic state.

他从长凳上拿起锤子,又从杂物箱里摸出了几个钉子。He took a hammer from the bench and picked out a few nails from one of the disordered bins.

其具有主观性与多元化、突发性与经常化、偏差性与无序化等特点。It has subjective and diverse, unexpected and regular, deviant and disordered characteristics.

让矽沉积在非晶表面上,矽也会变成无序且非晶的状态。Silicon deposited onto a noncrystalline surface tends to be completely disordered and amorphous.

在错乱愤怒的情况下,往往这种愤怒发生的频率更高,且持续时间更长。And in cases of disordered anger, episodes of rage tend to occur more frequently and last longer.

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长期以来乱采滥挖的现象有望被遏制,从而减少钨产品的供给。The long-time disordered mining will be contained and supply of tungsten products will be reduced.

本文用经验电子理论对铬铁体心立方结构无序固溶体进行了分析。The results of the empirical electron theory of Fe-Cr bcc disordered solid solutions are reported.

注意调节失常是影响情绪困扰、注意力障碍出现的共同因素。The disordered attention is a common factor which cause both mental disorders and attention deficit.