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我自己悟出来的。I figured it out.

即使古巴也早已想通这一点。Even Cuba figured this one out.

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你都答出来了吗?Have you got it all figured out?

我料想你不会来。I figured that you wouldn't come.

在我们所有的触地得分中,乔都起了作用。Joe figured in all our touchdowns.

所以我认为那里有一个窥视孔。So I figured there was a peephole.

我们估计他要来,他真来了。We figured on his coming and he came.

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你把吃饭的花费算进去了吗?Have you figured in the cost of meals?

雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子的形象。The sculptor figured the girl in clay.

这是我们料想不到的事。It was something we had not figured on.

她在最后一幕里占了很突出的地位。She figured prominently in the last act.

所以我认为我应该画出卡卡西的真面目。So I figured I would draw Kakashi's face.

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至少我们弄清了敌人是谁。At least we figured out who the enemy was.

男孩很快解决了那道算题。The boy figured out the problem in no time.

所以我想为何不继续沿着这条路走下去呢?so I figured why not just keep going with it?

我毫不费力地解决了这个问题。I figured out this problem without any effort.

有人描述他至少身长6英尺7英寸Somebody figured out that he was at least 6'7".

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您瞧我的小花帽,我的花衬衫。Look at my embellished cap and my figured shirt.

此次拜访我想一个手提包的量就足够了。I figured a bagful would be enough for the visit.

桂也占有其他古代文学。Katsura also figured in other ancient literature.