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这是口服药。This is for oral ministry.

我喜欢牧师的职务。领唱圣歌。I enjoy ministry. To lead a hymn.

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今年一月,任星辉对财政部提出起诉。In January, he sued the ministry.

内政大臣发言人Brig。Interior Ministry spokesman Brig.

独身神职后来才出现。The celibate ministry comes about later.

文化部声称它拥有这个权力。The ministry said it had that authority.

为本堂儿童及青少年事工祷告。Pray for our Children and Youth ministry.

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脸部皮肤松弛怎么办?How does facial ministry skin do flabbily?

部下面设6个司。Under the ministry there are six departments.

一切都是上帝和政府部门所赐。Everything is from God, and from the ministry.

林的成熟可能会导致他成为神职人员。Lin's maturity could lead him to the ministry.

而且卫生部已经是一个真正的部级机关了。And health already has a full-fledged ministry.

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文化部很快作出反击。The Ministry of Culture was quick to fire back.

财务官从事财政部门的服务。The quaestor served in the ministry of finance.

我们的态度与部里的不一致。Our position diverges from that of the ministry.

我们的教会在教导圣经方面,已立好稳固的基础了吗?Is there a good solid ministry of Bible teaching?

为主日学的事工及同工祷告。Pray for the Sunday School Ministry and teachers.

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夏天脸部皮肤为什么会发红呢?Why does facial ministry skin meet summer aglow ?

此外,曾经的媒体中心现在由政府的一个部门入驻。A ministry has moved into the former media center.

他真的很需要帮助,为他展部。He really needs help for outreaching HIS MINISTRY.