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呃,我可以叫上你吗?You can commentate or something.

这就是今天我要要跟你们评述的。This is what I have to commentate for you today.

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最后对日常生活中发生的购买时间现象给予了解释。Buy time phenomenon to give understanding to what happen in daily life finally commentate.

最好的球员踢最重大的比赛,最好的评论员来解说。The best players play for the big clubs and the best commentators commentate on the big games.

本文分六个部分来评述米尔的临床心理学评估思想。This paper falls into six parts to commentate the Clinical Psychological Assessments ideology of Paul Everett Meehl.

有消息称今年69岁、已离开评论席9年的宋世雄应邀将重出江湖,参与2008年奥运会排球和乒乓球的解说。Song Shixiong, 69, has been invited to commentate on the volleyball and table tennis events during the 2008 Olympics.

含有甲醛的床上用品在使用过程中会逐渐释出游离甲醛。The bedding that contains formaldehyde is met in use process gradually commentate go on a journey leaves formaldehyde.

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在王位更迭过程中,卡索先后失去爱人和弟弟樱空释。In kingship alternate process, card all alone loses sweetheart and sky of little brother cherry early or late commentate.

其二,即使不修改,也应在教课书中注明这一观点,由学者自己去评判。Secondly, even if don't modify it, also should this opinion be annotated in the textbook, letting scholars to commentate.

曾经有幸评论过史诗般的世界杯和冠军联赛决赛,并且有幸和很多伟大的足球英雄会面。Having been lucky enough to commentate on epic World Cup and Champions League finals, and meet many of my greatest heroes.

因此,公正而客观地评价目前的银行监管法律体系具有重大的意义。Therefore, it is of great significance to commentate on the present banking supervision law system justly and objectively.

破解孙鲍交往,对于合理解说国民革命的成败,至关重要。Researching into the relationship between Sun-Borodin is very important to commentate the National Revolution failure with reason.

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日前,江苏省及徐州市人大法工委有关负责人对此进行了解释。A few days ago, jiangsu province and class of standard of Xuzhou city National People's Congress appoint concerned controller refers to this commentate.

你只要输入英文,你就可以找到英文的解释。这样你可以脱离适用中文来解释它,试着用英文的习惯来思考问题吧。你会提高的很快的。If you type the word you will search the commentate . you can break away the chinese dictionary . try to consider by Englsih. you will improve it quickly.

巨噬细胞能释出促红细胞分化的物质,对干细胞起着刺激与分化的作用。Huge bite cell can commentate the material that red blood cell giving hurried splits up, having the effect of stimulation and become divided to doing a cell.

本文就学术界的主流观点对这三个阶段政府管理的价值取向作简要的梳理和述评。This paper will concisely commentate and tidy about the value trend of the academically mainstream concepts on governmental managements in this three stages.

您在工作和生活中有什么问题和疑惑,别忘了还有这样一个地方能够帮您解疑释惑、排忧解难。You have what problem and doubt in the job and life, did not forget to still a such places can help you dispel doubt commentate the be puzzled, solution that discharge care is difficult.

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评述国内外乙二醇的产能、需求及预测,以及世界主要生产商分析,并提出发展建议。Commentate on the capacity, demand and prospect of ethylene glycol at home and abroad. Analyze the main manufacture companies in the world. And put forward the suggestions of development.

目前有不少彩妆产品含有“脂质囊”、“保湿剂缓释胶囊”等成分,这些彩妆不妨一试。Have many variety at present makeup the product is contained " fat qualitative bursa " , " protect wet agent delay commentate capsule " wait for composition, these colour makeup mights as well try.