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我们会各走各的路。We keep walking.

我们开始走过去。We start walking.

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你所需要做的就是走路。You just walking.

我们继续走。We're walking along.

骑车比走路快。Riding beats walking.

但我只是继续走路。But I kept on walking.

走过榅桲树。Walking by the quince.

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我走路走累了。I'm tired with walking.

我更喜欢走路。Yeah, I prefer walking.

制定一个跑步安排表。Make a walking schedule.

这是一条步行街。This is a walking street.

人忧悲正在校园安步。I enjoy walking on campus.

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算法遍历了一遍数组。I'm walking down the list.

她是一本活字典。Shes a walking dictionary.

他们在齐步走。They were walking in step.

现在应该去散步了。You should be walking now.

他开始箭步向前走。He began walking very fast.

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她是一标活字典。She's a walking dictionary.

他们正在踩高跷。They are walking on stilts.

走在凄冷的街角。Walking on the cold street.