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他精彩的演讲激起了观众的兴趣。His polished oration piqued the audiences's interest.

奥巴马总统将在丧礼上发表祭文。President Obama will be delivered the funeral oration.

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首先请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎我们园长讲话。Please let our rector make the oration first, clap your hands.

每个地点可能是连接着演讲中的一系列信息。Each location can then be tied to a block of information in a speech or oration.

这是伯里克利斯在那场著名葬礼中,向其听众夸耀的悼词,由修西地底斯记录下来。This is what Pericles boasts to his listeners in the famous funeral oration told by Thucydides.

葬礼演说是古代希腊一个悠久的风俗与传统,在雅典表现尤其突出。The funeral oration is an old custom and tradition in ancient Greece, it was very typical in Athens.

希律在所定的日子,穿上朝服,坐在位上,对他们讲论一番。And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them.

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古代社会文化水平的低下以及口传传统所具有的重要地位,也成为希腊口头演说发展的重要条件。The low literacy level and the importance of oral tradition also played a role in the popularity of oration.

演讲作为人类一种经济实用的信息传播工具,在历代发挥着鼓动、思辨的作用。As an economical and practical tool of communication, oration has been playing an inspiring and convincing role in history.

中国海洋石油总公司海上自营油田比照上述规定执行。The offshore self-managed oilfields of the China Offshore Oil oration shall implement the Circular in accordance with thee-mentioned stipulations.

短暂的休息后,我们复习了正式演说的结构,并开始组织撰写大纲。After a break, we reviewed the organization of a persuasive oration and began writing the outlines for an oration which will be performed next week.

你说的是广州的现代医院吧?王者风范,好高端的技术,不知道要几钱。这个我自己去咨讯问下。You mean a modern hospital in Guangzhou, right? King style, good high-end technology, do not know a few money. The next question I have to go Oration.

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修昔底德在其著作中记录了雅典民主政治领袖伯里克利的演说,柏拉图在其著作中则借苏格拉底之口虚构了伯里克利的情妇阿斯帕西亚的演说。Thucydides had wrote down the funeral oration of the Pericles, Plato had invented the funeral oration of the Aspasia Pericles' mistress by virtue of Socrates.

论文第三部分着重研究了谢惠连作品的思想内容和艺术特色,对谢惠连的诗歌、赋和祭文分别作了较详尽的研究。The third part researches the works of Xie Huilian with ideological content and artistic features, even poetry, Fu and oration were made a more detailed study.

修希德狄斯希腊历史学家,曾被认为是远古时代最伟大的历史学家,著有一部关于伯罗奔尼撒战争的批评史,其中有佩里克莱斯的葬礼演讲。Greek historian. Considered the greatest historian of antiquity, he wrote a critical history of the Peloponnesian War that contains the funeral oration of Pericles.

修西得底斯,希腊历史学家,曾被认为是远古时代最伟大的历史学家,著有一部关于伯罗奔尼撒战争的批评史,其中有佩里克莱斯的葬礼演讲。Greek historian. Considered the greatest historian of antiquity, he wrote a critical history oft he Peloponnesian War that contains the funeral oration of Pericles.

它不会伤害的审查,调查,并提出建议,提出了一些意见,他上周在约翰巴顿在墨尔本致辞诺埃尔皮尔逊。It wouldn't hurt for the review to investigate, and make recommendations on, some of the points made last week by Noel Pearson in his John Button Oration in Melbourne.

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