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SCO数据包时隙长度始终是1时隙。SCO packets are always 1 slot in length.

上海合作组织反恐演习在哈萨克斯坦揭幕。SCO anti-terror drill kicks off in Kazakhstan.

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关于胡锦涛主席出席上合组织塔什干峰会II. President Hu's presence at the SCO summit in Tashkent

在阿斯塔纳,胡锦涛还出席了上海合作组织峰会并发表重要讲话。In Astana, Hu also attended and addressed the SCO summit.

上海合作组织是对新安全观的成功实践。The SCO is a successful case of the new security concept.

总的来看,上海合作组织的作用和影响不断扩大。The role and influence of the SCO are expanding on the whole.

塔方是上海合作组织禁毒合作的牵头方。Tajikistan is the initiator of SCO narcotics control cooperation.

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中国将为上海合作组织的发展作出哪些贡献?What contributions will China make to the development of the SCO?

双方还就上合组织阿斯塔纳峰会交换了意见。They also exchanged views on the SCO Astana Summit to be held in June.

李辉说,上海合作组织所有成员国元首都将出席本次峰会。Li said that all the heads of SCO member states will attend the summit.

这次峰会对上海合作组织今后的发展有何意义?What is the significance of the summit for the future growth of the SCO?

俄方将与中方相互配合,为上海合作组织峰会的成功召开做出贡献。Russia will cooperate with China to contribute to a successful SCO summit.

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两位领导人积极评价不久前召开的上海合作组织阿斯塔纳峰会取得的成果。The two leaders spoke highly of the outcome of the recent SCO summit in Astana.

上海合作组织的主要任务之一,就是成员国之间开展安全合作。A major task of the SCO is to promote security cooperation among its member states.

相信上合组织成员国会根据自身发展,协商一致作出决定。We believe SCO members will decide by consensus according to their own development.

两国元首一致认为,上海合作组织进入了新的发展时期。The two heads of state believed that the SCO has entered a new period of development.

卡里莫夫表示,上海合作组织峰会已经发展成为国际舞台上的一支重要力量。Karimov said that the SCO summit has become an importance force on the international arena.

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李辉说,2005年7月上海合作组织阿斯塔纳峰会决定,2006年上海合作组织峰会由中国举办。Li said that the July 2005 SCO summit in Astana agreed China would host the 2006 SCO summit.

伊朗是上合组织的观察员国,我相信伊朗会像其他观察员国一样发挥它应有的作用。Iran is an observer of the SCO. I believe it will play its due role as other observer states.

问题在于我们提出这个思想时,上海合作组织还没有建立起来。The problem is that when we first put forward the idea, the SCO had not been inaugurated yet.