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点击这个页签。Click this tab.

单击应用及玉。Click Apply & Ok.

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我要在那里点击?Where do I click?

单击这个图标。Click on this icon.

按一下这个篮子。Click on the basket.

单击您的资产。Click on your asset.

我想看“命运好好玩。”I want to see "Click.

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现在点击磁盘清理。Now click Disk Cleanup.

按一下牛奶纸盒。Click on the milk carton.

离开,按「关闭」。To quit GOK, click Close.

单击备份子菜单。Click the Backup sub-menu.

单击此处可取消回复。Click here to cancel reply.

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自动播放该单元对白。Click to play the dialogue.

现在按一下玩具箱。Now click on the toy chest.

右键使用另存为。Right click to use save-as.

锁咔哒一声锁上了。The lock took with a click.

你能点一下灰姑娘么?Can you click on Cinderella?

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关于'点击在表格的命令'。Click on 'In-Form Commands'.

单击这里以查看该动画。Click to see this animation.

在工具面板中点击魔术棒工具。Click on the Magic Wand Tool.