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它们听起来很不协调They sound dissonant.

这样呢,和谐还是不和谐?What about that?Consonant or dissonant?

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很不协和的音乐,它是大调还是小调呢Very dissonant music. Is it major or minor?

这样的声音只会更大和更加刺耳。It will only grow louder and more dissonant.

他们的不和谐和声演奏也令人惊叹。Their dissonant harmonies were amazing, too.

是协和的还是不协和的音乐呢And is it consonant music or dissonant music?

不协和音程为二度和七度。Dissonant intervals are the second and the seventh.

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他们把那些不和谐的声音也放在了里面。They chose to include all of these dissonant voices together.

这两种不同的表述之间相隔11个星期,而差别是如此之大。The two statements, 11 weeks apart, are extravagantly dissonant.

故事中有不和谐的一幕,这是一个勇敢的设计,但也表现了怯懦的妥协。But there is a dissonant note, simultaneously brave and cowardly.

小提琴和中提琴振动音弦仿佛发出了不和谐的音乐。The violins and violas train their bows as they let out dissonant chords.

不谐和的音调或和弦向和谐的音调或和弦的过渡。The progression of a dissonant tone or chord to a consonant tone or chord.

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如果说这里用C音,那么不管是和它上面还是下面的音符搭配都不和谐。Here for example we have the pitch C and either note above or below it is dissonant.

减三和弦和增三和弦传统上被看作不协和和弦。Diminished triads and augmented triads are traditionally regarded as dissonant chords.

有人问我,那么为什么有些音符是和音而有些不协调呢“Someone asked me, "Well,why are some notes consonant and why are other notes dissonant?"

缓慢、刺耳和不和谐的造物音调的声音,是一种非真相的形式。The slow, dissonant and non-harmonious sound of the tones of creation is a form of non-truth.

只取某个人类一段不调和的DNA进入舞蹈,整个人类都会进入不调和。It only takes one human of dissonant DNA to enter the dance and all humans go into dissonance.

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你锚定的灵魂和指导者在哪里互相战争或互相冲突?Where are the souls and guides that you anchor at war with one another or dissonant with one another?

雪铁龙威严的从这混杂的一切中驶过,它那双声调的警报声像尖刀一样划过车流。The Citroën navigated the chaos with authority, its dissonant two-tone siren parting the traffic like a knife.

现在四音符的动机出现,这有一段有点不和谐的和弦,解构成和谐音Now just working with the four-note motive here-- A strange little dissonant chord there resolving to consonance.