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夫人快活地说。Lady cheerily said.

“不要担心,爷爷,”尼克快活地说。"Don't worry, Grandpa," Nick said cheerily.

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“当然不会。”利弗西大夫爽快地回答。Not a thought, ' replied Doctor Livesey, cheerily.

船员们在外面活泼地喊着、骂着。The crewmen were cheerily shouting and cursing outside.

“小心不要被割伤,”导游陶乐呵呵地提醒道。"Careful not to cut yourselves, " Tao shouted out cheerily.

它温暖而快活地躺着,不久开始唱起歌来。Its warmth but cheerily lie, soon start sing since the song.

他能继续这般兴采地在他原走的路上走吗?Could he continue as cheerily in the paths he had hitherto pursued?

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他爽快地承认说,由于他沉醉于因特网,曾经连续两年考试不及格。He cheerily admits he failed exams two years in a row because of his Internet addiction.

在学校里,我快活地像个小天使,不过有时也会因为某个同学而落泪。In school, I cheerily like a little angel, but it can also be because some schoolmate and tears.

风筝越飞越高,在空中翩翩飞舞着,我们快活地喊叫着,在广场上拼命地跑着。Kite flying high in the air, pian-pian flying, we cheerily Shouting, on the square desperately to run.

有位叫做玛丽的妇女,此前曾三次试图自杀,此时面带微笑对着自己的录像带侃侃而谈。A woman named Mary, who had attempted suicide three times before, smiled and spoke cheerily on her tape.

天空中风筝的种类还真多。有蝙蝠风筝、蝴蝶风筝、小鸟风筝等等,它们都在空中快活地飞翔着。The sky is so many kinds of kites. Kite kite, butterflies have bats, etc, they all birds kite flying in the air cheerily.

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他们向阳台下的粉丝微笑致意,心情超好的他们甚至在阳台上“表演”起浪漫的双人舞蹈。The normally sombre pair cheerily waved to fans from their hotel balcony this afternoon, and even performed a short dance.

爬出地埂和钻出沟沿的幼草蜕掉一冬的疲惫,快活地舒展身子。The young grass of climbing out terrace and drilling out the top shed a whole winter tired and stretched the body cheerily.

上周在新德里的通过电气的老板杰夫·伊梅尔特对此持肯定态度,他认为一个快速增长的市场才是重要的,其他的什么都是浮云。Jeffrey Immelt, the boss of GE, in Delhi last week, cheerily agreed, insisting that a fast-growing market trumps all other concerns.