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温克先生什么时候出来?When is Mr. Winkle coming out?

我设法从他那里探到那消息。I managed to winkle the news out.

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他们设法找出了这个间谍。They managed to winkle out the spy.

我们要把犯罪分子从那儿揪出来。We'll winkle the criminal out of there.

这是一些不识时务的意见。This is the opinion of some Rip Van Winkle.

这是一些不识时务者的意见。This is the opinion of some Rip van Winkle.

这是一些不识时务的意见。This is the opinions of some Rip Van Winkle.

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这是一些不识时务的意见。This is the opinions of some rip van winkle.

从他那儿挖出事实真相真是太难了。It's too difficult to winkle the truth out of him.

他好像从鞋里挖出了点儿什么。He seemed to winkle something out from inside his shoe.

侦探试图从她那儿套取信息。The detective was trying to winkle information out of her.

村里住着一位简朴的好人,他的名字叫做李伯凡文克。In the village there lived a simple, good man named Rip Van Winkle.

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你可以用牙签把贝肉从贝壳中挖出来。You can use the toothpick to winkle the shellfish out of its shell.

为什么凡·温克要期望这些在他长眠时蓬勃发展呢?Why should Van Winkle expect these to flourish during his long sleep?

螺肉型浇口逐步顶出的过程如图4.28所示。The progressive ejection of a winkle type gate is illustrated in Figure 4.28.

商店采取了非常聪明的策略来吸引顾客消费。Stores use extremely clever strategies to winkle customers into making purchases.

商店采用极其聪明的手段引诱顾客购买。Stores use extremely clever strategies to winkle customers into making purchases.

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谭睿玲提着东西回家看妈妈,李伯上前给她开了门。Tan Ruiling carrying things home to see mom, van winkle up and opened the door for her.

和德怀特在线聊天时,他又对我说一声“你好,里普·万·温克尔!!!!!”When I talked with Dwight online, he said 'Hello Rip Van Winkle ! ! ! ! ! 'to me again.

足足一个星期之后入侵者才被剔除,如果有损失的话,没有人知道这次入侵导致的损失是什么。It took a week to winkle out the intruder. Nobody knows what, if any, damage was caused.