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这一套全是古代的寓言七拼八凑起来的!What a farrago of old fables is this!

整件事是说谎加上欺骗的混杂。The whole story was a farrago of lies and deceit.

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欧文又是轻蔑又是惊奇地听着这通胡说。Owen was listening to this farrago with feeling of contempt and wonder.

他自己的那些书和回忆录都是掺杂着半真半假的叙述和彻头彻尾的编造的大杂烩。His own books and memoirs are a farrago of half-truth and out-right invention.

这间商店被艺术品,古董和古老服装的古怪混杂充斥着。The shop is filled with a whimsical farrago of artwork, antiques, and vintage clothing.

幸运的是我要离开这个花销混杂和贪婪的国家了。Luckily I shall be out of the country for most of this farrago of corporate spending and greed.

“看来你那已摧毁法拉戈号的消息发早了。”他说话的时候恶毒一笑。"It seems you were a bit premature in reporting the destruction of the Farrago" he said with a malevolent grin.

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13个国家中的9个以这种形式被公布,结果造成了信息的混乱。The results from nine of the 13 singlecountry studies have been made available in this way, and the consequence is a farrago of misinformation.

法拉戈号开始进入漫长的下降轨道,这条路线是哨兵们选择的,因为它所通过的是敌人空间探测网络中监控最薄弱的部分。The Farrago began its long approach orbit on a course chosen by the Sentinels because it led through the least-well-monitored portions of the enemy detection skynet.

缺少了GMU基地上雷霆万钧的大炮,法拉戈号只能求助于火力较弱的武器,即使事情看来毫无希望,武器战位上的船员们依然顽强地开火再开火。Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.