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东海公园。East Ocean Park.

致命的海洋。The deadly ocean.

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沧海一粒。A drop in the ocean.

或许它更像那大海。May it be lide ocean.

看起来就像是海洋。It looks like an ocean.

鱼住在海洋里。Fishes live in the ocean.

而且它濒临大海,So it's just the ocean and

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你我仅仅一海之隔。You're only an ocean away.

八爪鱼生活在海洋里。Octopus lives in the ocean.

你一滴泪,锁我一片心海。One drop locks on an ocean.

庙中供奉传说中的“浙海之神”。Temple of the god of ocean.

轻于桨儿划开海面。Than oars divide the ocean.

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海枯石烂汝也难以找到。Nor in ocean wilt thou find.

日复一日的隔洋遥望。Ocean apart , day after day.

日没于汪洋之中。The sun dips into the ocean.

我喜欢在海洋里游泳。I like swimming in the ocean.

捷克语“大海”怎么说?What's the Czech for "ocean"?

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若无水,何成海?Without water, what is ocean?

滴水也可成海。Little water fell great ocean.

海里这么大不够你游的吗?。Ocean isn't big enough for you?