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剥削者在盥洗室里弄脏了沸腾的油。The exploiter soiled the boiling oil in the toilet.

拓荒者将带走收获的预言。The exploiter would carry away his prophesy of harvest.

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我参加的第一次行动是攻打当地的一个土豪。The first action I was involved in was an attack on a local exploiter.

对工业地产开发商影响最为直接的是金融政策和土地政策。The most direct impact to the industrial property exploiter are monetary and land policy.

但是剥削炒作玉儿的始作俑者却是她自己,还有那些尽其所能的摄影机,让她赖以维生。But her first exploiter was herself, and the cameras, for as long as they could, kept her alive.

“剥削”一词是指开发一种资源或者利用一个机会以获得一种利益。A final type of neoclassical exploiter is the free rider who unfairly uses a public good or resource.

她愿意继续做那个年轻地主的寡妇,在接下来的几年里这成了人们不解的谜。In the years to come, Grape becomes a mystery in that she wants to remain a widow of a young exploiter.

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非传粉小蜂则是该系统的资源掠夺者,但它与该系统共存的机制仍不清楚。However, so far, the coexisting mechanism of the exploiter and the mutualistic system still remains unclear.

金圣叹是中国古代小说理论批评的集大成者,亦曾是一位颇有争议的人物。Moliere was not only a comprehensive person in classical literature, but also an exploiter in modern literature.

为了防止软件被盗版,软件开发者必须对软件进行必要的加密。In order to prevent the software to pirate, the software exploiter must carry on the essential encryption to the software.

蒋南翔是中国当代著名的马克思主义教育家,新中国高等教育事业的开拓者。Jiang Nanxiang is a famous Marxism educationist in contemporary China and the exploiter of PRC higher education enterprise.

依我看,法律的执行是为了剥削者的利益而有意无意地被践踏了。In my opinion the administration of the law is thus prostituted consciously of unconsciously for the benefit of the exploiter.

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康克清是我国儿童保育工作的开拓者,为我国儿童教育事业做出了重大贡献。Kang Keqing was an exploiter of the cause of Chinese children education who had rich and profound children educational thoughts.

刘少奇是第一代中央领导集体的主要成员,是中国特色社会主义事业的开拓者之一。Liu Shaoqi was one of the personages of the first Central Committee aswell as the exploiter and founder of the socialism career which possesses Chinesecharacteristics.

逻辑程序设计使开发者集中精力于问题而面向对象的方法提倡代码重用。But the logical program design causes the exploiter to concentrate the energy in the question the object-oriented method to advocate the code entrusts with heavy responsibility.

因而不应该仅看初期投资,要看到节能建筑的经济收益,可以同时使建筑开发者和居住者都受益。Therefore should not only look at the initial investment, must see energy conservation construction economic gain, may simultaneously cause the building exploiter and the occupants profits.

再说美国,要是没有中西部的山川河流、辽原阔野,造就早期的牛仔、开拓者精神,能有如今开放、创新的民风?One more example is USA, if there were no hills, rivers, and wide field in its midwest which brought up the early cowboy, exploiter spirit, can the opening, innovative folkway nowadays exist?