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我知道你会为了一只伊特鲁里亚花瓶出卖你母亲。I knew you would sell your mother for an etruscan vase.

教皇十六世格里高利在1837年建立了伊特鲁里亚博物馆。Pope Gregory XVI established the Etruscan Museum in 1837.

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柯克雷尔那特意鲁利亚的红漆得到了马瑟白漆的补充。Cockerell's Etruscan red paint is complemented by Mather's brilliant white.

科学家们一直无法确定伊特鲁里亚人的刻印文字的意思。Scientists have Been unable to determine signification of most Etruscan inscriptions.

盖蒂博物馆还收藏了许多希腊、罗马及伊特拉斯坎古董。The Getty also houses an extensive collection of Greek, Roman and Etruscan antiquities.

罗马原始部落古代罗马的三个分支是拉丁人、萨宾人和伊特鲁利亚人。Any of the three divisions of the ancient Romans, namely, the Latin, Sabine, and Etruscan.

大多数历史学家认为伊特鲁利亚社会在2500多年前到达了其顶峰。Most historians believe that Etruscan society reached its height more than 2500 years ago.

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在意大利最伟大的伊特鲁里亚艺术的经典之一收藏在瓜尔纳奇博物馆。One of the most significant collections of Etruscan art in Italy is housed at the Museo Guarnacci.

除此之外,你还能看到那些为伊特鲁里亚宗教中心——庙宇增光添彩的作品。In addition, you can see objects that added beauty to the Etruscan religious centers, called temples.

博物馆有一个惊人的收藏古代文物,从罗马,希腊和伊特鲁里亚的帝国。The museum has a stunning collection of ancient artifacts from the Roman, Greek, and Etruscan empires.

伊特鲁里亚艺术的某些特征在整个伊特鲁里亚艺术史中是不变的。Certain characteristics of Etruscan art are proposed as constants throughout the history of Etruscan art.

它最初是埃特鲁斯坎人的定居地,后成为罗马军事据点和殖民地。It was originally an Etruscan settlement and later a Roman military station and colony. Population, 91,535.

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是靠近12世纪荒废的伊特鲁里亚古城鲁瑟勒遗址的市镇。It is a market town near the site of Rusellae, an Etruscan town abandoned in the 12th century. Population, 61,500.

但是据某些推测,伊特鲁利亚人在史前好像就已经占据了这片富饶的土地。The same site had likely already been an Etruscan settlement and, by some speculation, occupied since prehistoric times.

他完成了打字11月16日2008年在伊特鲁里亚语言向后伊特鲁里亚脚本和古代中国的百万。He completed typing backwards Etruscan scripts in Etruscan Language and The Million in Ancient Chinese on 16 November 2008.

奇伦托地区同时也是古希腊殖民地和本土的伊特拉斯坎人和卢卡尼亚人之间的边界。The Cilento was also the boundary between the Greek colonies of Magna Graecia and the indigenous Etruscan and Lucanian peoples.

许多出土的艾特鲁斯坎工艺品上刻有希腊字母,几乎可以确认,这些字母是从公元前775年居住在意大利西部的希腊殖民者那里传入的。Many Etruscan artefacts areinscribed with the Greek alphabet, almost certainly borrowed from Greekcolonists who settled in western Italy around 775 BC.

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格罗塞托意大利中部的一城市,位于罗马西北方。是靠近12世纪荒废的伊特鲁里亚古城鲁瑟勒遗址的市镇。人口61,500。A city of central Italy northwest of Rome. It is a market town near the site of Rusellae, an Etruscan town abandoned in the12th century. Population, 61, 500.

曼图亚意大利北部一城市,位于维罗那的西南偏南方向,原为伊特鲁里亚人居住地,后于1714年割让给奥地利,最终于1866年回归意大利。A city of northern Italy south-southwest of Verona. Originally an Etruscan settlement, it was ceded to Austria in1714 and was finally returned to Italy in1866.

曼图亚意大利北部一城市,位于维罗那的西南偏南方向,原为伊特鲁里亚人居住地,后于1714年割让给奥地利,最终于1866年回归意大利。人口60,932。A city of northern Italy south-southwest of Verona. Originally an Etruscan settlement, it was ceded to Austria in1714 and was finally returned to Italy in1866. Population, 60, 932.