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弗雷德·阿斯泰尔经常把真丝领带当腰带用。The debonair Fred Astaire often wore a silk tie as a belt.

谁是我们在上面照片中看到的那个温文尔雅的人呢?So who is the debonair looking guy in the photograph above?

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他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.

你还是非常迷人、温文尔雅的,而且总是对的。The headwaiter was debonair with the guests but firm with the waiters.

但我们的政府对于公共开支有极为殷勤的态度。But our government has a propitiously debonair attitude to public spending.

领班对来宾温文有礼,但是对侍者却很倔强。The headvertisementswaiter was debonair with the guests but firm with the waiters.

当轮船靠近码头时,蜂拥到岸边的人群兴高采烈而又彬彬有礼。The crowd that throngs the wharf as the steamer draws alongside is gay and debonair.

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他在荧幕上的温文尔雅的魅力和迷人的长相迷住了全球观众。His debonair charm and magnetic good looks on screen captivated audiences around the globe.

他在银幕上温文尔雅以及极具吸引力的形象征服了全世界的观众。His debonair charm and magnetic good looks on screen captivated audiences around the globe.

说起李南星,大多数人会联想到温文潇洒的帅哥,或者是忧郁深沉的浪子。Most of us associate actor Li Nanxing as either the dashing debonair or the dark, intense brooder.

她对他一见钟情是因为他是个温文尔雅、衣着入时的青年。She falls in love with him at the first sight because he is a debonair and well-dressed young man.

在费加罗将军倒下的时候,他手中的佩剑,杜伦达尔成为了给予朋友的最后一份意味深长的礼物。Dueled with his friend and lost. Bestowed Debonair with his sword, Durandal, as a final parting gift.

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大家都记得约翰·出演风度翩翩有气质的男主角,以及他成功地诠释了莎士比亚的理查三世和哈姆雷特。John Barrymore is remembered both for his roles as a debonair leading man and for his interpretations of Shakespeare's Richard III and Hamlet.

GUCCI特有的优雅图图案,加上温婉的剪裁手法的底部处理和带子装点,时尚女典雅。GUCCI distinctive gentler pattern, debonair cutting in base processing and band decoration together show elegant and fashionable woman's quality.

这位74岁、温文尔雅的法国总统昨天向新当选的总统尼古拉斯•萨科奇正式移交了政权。同为保守人士的萨科奇作风果敢,凭着重振法国的竞选宣言赢得了大选。The debonair 74-year-old turns over power Wednesday to tough-talking fellow conservative Nicolas Sarkozy, who won election on pledges of a break with the past.

去年在的黎波里的Rixos旅馆与我见面的那个蓄着乔治.克鲁尼式胡子的温文尔雅的赛义夫已经消失了,他务实了。When I met him last year at the Rixos hotel in Tripoli, Saif wore George Clooney stubble and a debonair air that vanished when he found himself off a practiced point.