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1234年并入蒙古察合台汗国。Incorporated into the Mongol Chagatai Khanate in 1234.

1206年,成吉思汗建立蒙古汗国。In 1206, Genghis Khan established the Mongolian Khanate.

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这也是一个汗国的蒙古帝国,认为是其四个后裔帝国。It was also a khanate of the Mongol Empire, considered one of its four descendant empires.

在此之后,克里木汗国才意识到莫斯科公国是其最大的威胁。After that, the Crimean Khanate was aware of the Moscow principality is the biggest threat.

俄国在征服了布哈拉汗国之后,剩下的目标就是希瓦汗国了。The next goal was the khanate of Khiva after the Russian conquest of the khanate of Bokhara.

金帐汗国,亦称钦察汗国。俄罗斯人对蒙古帝国西方部分的称呼。Golden horde or kipchak khanate russian designation for the western part of the mongol empire.

回纥称霸于漠北,吐迷度自立为可汗,建立回纥汗国。Huihe dominate in Mobei, spit fans of self-reliance for Khan, the establishment of Huihe Khanate.

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在信中,他陈述了哈萨克汗国比任何其他中亚汗国都要强大。In this letter, he had stated that ��The Kazakh Khanate is much more powerful than the other Central Asian Khanates �.

白帐贵族脱脱迷失利用帖木儿势力,取得钦察汗国汗位。Toqtamish who was a noble of White Horde utilized the power of Timur and got the Khan's right of the Khanate of Kipchak.

1371年,明朝洪武四年,察合台汗国灭亡,新疆境内分裂为许多割据政权。In 1371, the Ming Dynasty Hongwu four years, Chagatai Khanate perish, for many separatism in Xinjiang separatist regimes.

另外,粟特人有意识的传播摩尼教,加快了摩尼教在回纥汗国的传播和影响。Besides, Soghdiq people spread Manichaeism consciously, which accelerated the spread and impact of Manichaeism in Huihe Khanate.

17世纪初,天山南部建立了叶尔羌汗国,与清朝维持着朝贡贸易关系。The early 17th century, the southern Tianshan Yarkand Khanate was established, and the Qing maintained tributary trade relations.

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乌孜别克族先民曾信仰过祆教、佛教,从钦察汗国的乌孜别克汗时代就开头信仰伊斯兰教。Uzbek ancestors once believed in Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, from the Kipchak Khanate Uzbek Khan, the era began to believe in Islam.

因它从历史的察哈台汗国时期开始使用,故国际上又有人称它为“察哈台语”。Because of this language began to be used from the Chagatay Khanate period, internationally, it is also called "Chaghatay language."

布哈拉汗国的大部分领土被俄国所侵占,汗国的主权和外交均受到了俄国人的控制。All the territory of the khanate of Bokhara was occupied by Russia. The Russian also controlled the khanate's sovereignty and diplomacy.

穆罕默德·谢里甫是我国天山南路叶尔羌汗朝时期伊斯兰教苏非派著名人物。Mohammed Sharif was a notable figure of the Sufi sect of Islam during the Yarkant Khanate period in the south of the Tianshan Mountains.

穆罕默德·谢里甫是我国天山南路叶尔羌汗朝时期伊斯兰教苏非派著名人物。Mohammed sharif was a notable figure of the sufi sect of islam during the yarkant khanate period in the south of the tianshan mountains.

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当奥斯曼帝国走向衰落的时候,克里木汗国不免成为强邻—俄国所吞并的对象。When the time of the decline of the Ottoman Empire, Crimean Khanate inevitably become a powerful neighbors-Russia, the annexation of the object.

希瓦汗国在经济上也不享有完整的权利,实际上是俄国的半殖民地。Consequently, Khiva khanate even failed to maintain its complete ruling power in economy at home and indeed was made a semi-colony of Russian Empire.

俄国对浩罕的侵略引起了布哈拉汗国和希瓦汗国的恐慌,他们纷纷采取各种方式来抵御俄国的侵略扩张。Russia's invasion to Kokand caused the fear of the khanate of Bokhara and the khanate of Khiva. They took various ways to resist the Russian's expansion.