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第四组是快板。The fourth group is allegro.

谐谑曲也可以是很快的快板的。The scherzo is marked allegro molto.

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谐谑曲是很快的快板。The scherzo is marked allegro molto.

比如天津,就加入了快板。For example in Tianjin, I added in Allegro.

加洛普舞曲和歌曲。生活将有多美好!。快板。Galop and song. How good life will be! . Allegro.

第一乐章“快板”,选自第三号布兰登堡协奏曲,作品1048。"Allegro" from the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, BWV 1048

第一乐章是富于戏剧性的热情的快板。The first movement is a dramatic passion of the Allegro.

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快板我是刚学的,我对民间艺术十分感兴趣。Allegro I was just learning, I was very interested in folk art.

他们的演奏充满了激情与活力,在朝气蓬勃的快板中结束。In the concluding Allegro Vivace, they played with energetic finesse.

第二乐章“英雄战歌”,是有活力的快板。The second part of "the hero battle song, " there is vigorous Allegro.

它就是音乐“四季”中的第一首协奏曲“春”的快板部分。It is Allegro from Concerto Number One "Spring" from the "Four Seasons".

持续近两个小时,快板电影的最新补发的三个部分。Lasting nearly two hours, Allegro Film's latest reissue is in three sections.

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可在炎热的夏天享用,也可在凉爽的夜晚品尝。Our most versatile wine, Moscato Allegro is lovely on a hot day or a cold night.

1977年,电视荧幕上缓缓驶来一辆“米色奥斯汀阿莱格罗”。In 1977, the television equivalent of a beige Austin Allegro trundled on to our screens.

所以,在处理“中速”时,就当确保音乐的速度正处于“行板”与“快板”之间。If it is moderato we are working with then be sure that the music is directed between "andante" and "allegro.

“首发车”为一列法国阿尔斯通公司制造的“阿莱格罗”列车,最高时速可达220公里,由赫尔辛基驶向圣彼得堡。"Starter car" is a French company Alstom-made "Allegro" train, top speed of 220 km from Helsinki towards St. Petersburg.

不久,我在手风琴速成学校跟泽里先生上起课来了,那个学校夹在一家旧电影院和一家馅饼店之间。Shortly after, my lessonsbeganwith Mr. Zelliat Allegro Accordion School, tucked between an old movie theater and a pizza parlor.

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十六分音符的六连音起起伏伏,伴随着钢琴在快板开始阶段跳跃主题的变奏。Sextuplet semiquavers sail up and down, bearing along a variation on the leaping piano theme from near the beginning of the Allegro.

不久,我在手风琴速成学校跟泽里先生上起课来了,那个学校夹在一家旧电影院和一家馅饼店之间。Shortly after, my lessons began with Mr. Zelli at the Allegro Accordion School, tucked between an old movie theater and a pizza parlor.

以稍快的速度的,通常被认为比快板稍慢,但比行板稍快。主要用于指挥。In a moderately quick tempo, usually considered to be slightly slower than allegro but faster than andante. Used chiefly as a direction.