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这场汇演是里夫斯的心血结晶。The festival was the brainchild of Reeves.

这个系统是莱奥。赫塞尔大脑的产儿。The system is the brainchild of Lior Hessel.

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这艘游艇是瑞诺夫的创新。The boat is the brainchild of Dominique Renouf.

他们的发明将改变互联网的走向。Their brainchild would change the course of the Internet.

而这一切都是重庆红歌会的点子。The musical was the brainchild of the Red Song Association in Chongqing.

二者都是费城心血结晶,总部位于斯蒂芬斯塔尔。Both are the brainchild of Philadelphia-based restaurateur Stephen Starr.

这个系统是耐尔?郝赛尔的研究结晶。他31岁,是农业工程师。The system is the brainchild of Lior Hessel, 31, an agricultural engineer.

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你的地盘你作主,如果你想让每一位读者都满意的话,显然是不现实的。Your blog is your brainchild. It won’t work if you try to satisfy everyone.

这个布告牌是一个全球广告营销机构Adrac脑力劳动的产物。The billboard is the brainchild of Adrac, a global advertising and marketing agency.

让洗车妹变身为比基尼女郎的想法出自布里斯班一家脱衣舞夜总会的老板沃伦·阿姆斯壮。The car wash was the brainchild of Warren Armstrong, a local strip club entrepreneur.

加拿大圭尔夫大学的T•莱恩•格里高利博士煞费苦心的创作出这样的细菌艺术品。Microbial art is the brainchild of Dr T Ryan Gregory from Canada's University of Guelph.

这一理论出自历史学家蒂姆-马丁,他已经写了三本有关泰坦尼克号的著作。It's the brainchild of Tim Maltin, a historian who has written three books about Titanic.

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改革派计划于星期天举行一场穷人奥林匹克运动会,这个创意来自市中心东端的四个团体组织。Advocates plan a Poverty Olympics on Sunday, the brainchild of four Downtown Eastside groups.

艾伯特●爱因斯坦在很多问题上都是很有名的,但是他最大的心血结晶却是相对论。Albert Einstein was famous for many things, but his greatest brainchild is the theory of relativity.

这家新开张的快餐店位于贝鲁特南部郊区,这一颇具“爆炸性”的点子是该店合伙人阿里?This new fast food restaurant in Beirut's southern suburbs was the brainchild of co-owner Ali Hammoud.

加拿大的列车及飞机制造商,庞巴迪公司的工程师设计出了这种适合欧洲所有铁路的列车。The all-in- one train is the brainchild of engineers at Bombardier, the Canadian train and airplane maker.

这次的音乐交流是男歌唱家田浩江所策划的。This musical exchange is the brainchild of bass Tian Haojiang, an opera star who emigrated from China to the U.

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这个舞会是乐队经理罗博特。纽曼的想法,在英国最新建造的皇后音乐厅的经理。The Proms was the brainchild of the impresario Robert Newman, manager of the newly built Queen's Hall in London.

对波特兰装饰设计师艾利森.史密斯来说,在中国弄一个杰克逊霍尔的点子算不上太费神的事情。The idea to create a Jackson Hole in China was the unlikely brainchild of Allison Smith, a Portland-based interior designer.

古丽是机器人工程师马萨德·斯卢姆波尔的智慧结晶,由负案潜逃的印果星技术员西蒙奈尔建造。The brainchild of droid engineer Massad Thrumble, Guri was constructed by a reclusive outlaw tech named Simonelle the Ingoian.