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你能修快门吗?Can you repair the shutter?

按下快门键。Squeeze the shutter button.

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他按下按钮开动了机器。Press the shutter button to shoot.

晨光悄悄地穿过百叶窗。Dawn through the shutter stealthily.

喂,比尔,把这扇窗板撬开。Here, Bill, wrench the shutter open.

记忆是一张挂满风铃的卷帘。Memory is a shutter hung wind chimes.

校准快门速度和光圈。Adjust the shutter speed and aperture.

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此外还有百叶门,很新颖。Besides a shutter door, very original.

尽可能用最高的快门速度。Use the fastest shutter speed possible.

快门故障安全和重力喂养。The shutter is fail safe and gravity fed.

关闭快门并把相机收好。Close the shutter and put the camera away.

常亮型光源,带快门装置。Always light source, with the shutter devices.

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珂赛特能从她的板窗洞里望见他。Cosette saw him through the hole in her shutter.

按快门时要拿稳相机。Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter.

接下来他们来到一个有木百叶窗的酒吧。Next, they came to a bar that had a wooden shutter.

木制的百叶窗旁挂着一个金黄色的石英钟。There is a gold quartz clock near the wood shutter.

然后我关掉快门,把萤火虫放走了。Then I released the shutter and set the firefly free.

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我让快门一直打开,坐在一边,对大自然的一切充满敬畏。I leave the shutter open and just sit in awe of it all.

莱昂纳多将会因为禁闭岛或者盗梦空间获得提名。Leo could be nominated for Shutter Island or Inception.

他将照相机的焦距调好,然后按下快门。He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release.