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大众也希望自己能在2018年成为汽车产业的一哥。It wants to be the number one carmaker by 2018.

汽车制造商将于九月投产新型汽车。The carmaker is almost ready to launch out a new model in September.

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德国汽车制造商大众与日本的铃木结成联盟。The German carmaker Volkswagen is forging an alliance with Suzuki of Japan.

五年前,比亚迪收购了一家国有汽车厂,用来帮其实现转变。Five years ago BYD bought a state-owned carmaker to help make the transition.

汽车制造商可申请破产保护以避免彻底崩溃。Rather than collapse outright, a carmaker could file for bankruptcy protection.

它正致力于开发以氢能源作为动力的汽车。The carmaker is working to build cars that operate on hydrogen-powered fuel cells.

丰田汽车夺下2010年全球最大车厂龙头宝座,但是他们的战绩不仅如此。Toyota held on to its position as the world's biggest carmaker in 2010, but only just.

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适逢中国消费者权益日,本周的焦点是一家法国汽车制造商-PSA标致雪铁龙。THIS week's target, on 's Consumer Rights Day, was PSA Peugeot Citroen, a French carmaker.

当时他还在一家小型的提供作战剩余物资的汽车厂工作,法拉利开始他的赛车.While working at a small carmaker involved with converting war surplus, Ferrari took up racing.

通用从破产保护走出来之时,美国政府成了这个汽车制造商最大的持股人。The American government took a majority stake in the carmaker as it emerged from bankruptcy protection.

日本汽车制造公司丰田宣布其创始人之孙将成为丰田新任董事长。Japanese carmaker Toyota says it has picked the grandson of the company's founder to be its new president.

特斯拉跑车,这款拉风的双座运动型轿车,是基于由英国莲花汽车制造商研发的汽车平台。The Tesla Roadster, a glorious two-seat sports car, is based on a model made by the British carmaker Lotus.

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尽管曾有几年属于沃尔沃卡车公司旗下,但那时沃尔沃轿车还是表现的十分逊色。Even during its years under the truck manufacturer Volvo A. B. , he said, the carmaker played second fiddle.

1965年,汽车制造商勒菲勋爵鼎力资助一个促进小学科学教育发展的项目。In 1965, Lord Nuffield, a carmaker sponsored a project which is devoted to teaching science to young children.

日本汽车生产商丰田与德国宝马将合作开发环境友好型发动机技术。Japanese carmaker Toyota and Germany's BMW are to work together on environmental-friendly motoring technology.

德国汽车制造商-宝马汽车公司宣布将于本赛季末退出一级方程式赛车。The German carmaker BMW has announced it's pulling out of the Formula One motor racing at the end of the season.

Sberbank打算将欧宝的技术提供给它的客户——GAZ,这是俄罗斯本土第二大汽车制造商。Sberbank intends to make Opel’s technology available to its client, GAZ, Russia’s second-biggest indigenous carmaker.

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中国汽车制造商江淮汽车将要在巴西——拉丁美洲最大的汽车市场——建设分厂。Chinese carmaker JAC Motors will build a factory in Brazil to boost its presence in Latin America's biggest car market.

德国汽车制造商大众汽车今日召开了董事会会议,讨论与跑车制造商保时捷的合并案。The board of the German carmaker Volkswagen is meeting today to discuss a merger with the sports car manufacture Porsche.

通用在2010年年初出售了萨博,以便合理化旗下品牌,而世爵一直努力维持着萨博的经营。GM sold Saab in early 2010 as part of a drive to rationalise its brands but Spyker has struggled to keep the carmaker going.