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她利用了那个讲法语的机会。She advantaged herself of the opportunity of speaking French.

收购人更是在许多方面占尽先机。The offerer is even advantaged in an acquisition from end to end.

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新疆具有得天独厚的水、土、光、热资源。Xinjiang is with advantaged resource of water, soil, light and heat.

梅州市作为世界客都,是世界客家人的发源地,具有得天独厚的社会文化优势。Mei Zhou as world's Hakka city which is the womb has advantaged social cultural vantage.

该馆在图书分类法、地方文献收藏和图书馆学研究方面处于全国同类馆舍的前列。It went to a advantaged level in books assorted, local document collection and library science.

其有利的生油条件、丰富的资源量是油气藏形成的物质基础。The advantaged oil conditions and rich resource are the physical basis of oil and gas reservoir.

中尺度低涡的动力、热力结构配置有利于其快速发展。Dynamical and thermodynamic structure of mesoscale low vortex is advantaged to quick development.

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由于它的形状很特殊,像个U字,在维也纳又拥有独一无二的地理位置,所以也被称为金色的U字。It went by the name of ‘Golden U’ because of its special ‘U’ shape and the advantaged geographic position.

这些结果可为小黑麦营养品质有利基因的发掘和运用提供参考依据。The conclusion could be used as a reference for excavation and application of advantaged gene in triticale.

优越的地域环境,为基地的发展创造着得天独厚的战略条件。The favorable regional environment provides the advantaged strategic condition for the development of the base.

目前大连市仍然在摸索、寻找合适的发展方向,希望水源热泵大规模的在城市供热系统中发挥作用。Dalian government is hope to find a advantaged way to apply the water-source heat pump in city's heating system.

我非常苗条、皮肤雪白、非常性感、身材凸凹有致,在经济上也有一定优势。I’m pretty thin, pretty pretty, very white, very cis, able-bodied, and still relatively economically advantaged.

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林芝地区具有得天独厚的森林生态旅游资源,为发展森林生态旅游奠定了良好的基础。The advantaged ecological forest tourism in Linzhi prefecture is the base of the development of ecological forest tourism.

对导能筋熔接行为的研究,明确了导能筋焊口结构形式的积极作用。The research on fusion bonding behavior of energy director ensures its advantaged influence on ultrasonic plastic welding.

极高的药用价值和理想的纺织原料使其成为得天独厚的自然资源而造福一方百姓。Extremely high officinal value and good spin raw material make its make advantaged rich and common people of benefit one party.

哺乳动物对气候环境的变化非常敏感,而中国在新近纪哺乳动物方面有着得天独厚的优势。Mammals are very sensitive for climatic and environmental changes, and there are advantaged Neogene mammalian fossils in China.

地球化学的特征以及在该地区发现的大量铜矿化,预示着该地区将是一个有利的成矿远景区。The geochemistry characters and the much mineralization prefigured that this area would be a advantaged mineral foreground area.

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定西地区的农业自然资源具有多样性,这为多样化的农业发展提供了有利条件。The variety of national resource of agriculture provides advantaged conditions of various agriculture development in Dingxi area.

宽幅厚胶板市场前景十分广阔,广泛应用于橡胶铺地板材、橡胶输送带盖胶等生产、生活领域。It is significant to study its basic theory because Screw Die has advantaged superiority in producing wide and thick rubber sheet.

加上新安县丰富的硅石资源,也为三氯氢硅、四氯氢硅的发展提供了得天独厚的条件。The abundant silica resources in Xin'an County also add to its advantaged development of the trichlorosilane and tetrachlorosilane.