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但是要接受他们的鼓励。But be inspired by them.

那是我迸发灵感之时。That is my inspired time.

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是我一时有感而发。I was inspired in the moment.

她激起了我对数学的热爱。She inspired me to love Math.

今天我被深深感动和激励!I am deeply moved and inspired.

被激起的猜想或预感。An inspired guess or presentiment.

我希望国人们能够得到启发。I hope people able to be inspired.

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老大林志炫1997年的歌曲。Inspired by Terry Lin's 1997 song.

是什么激发了我多情的诗篇?What inspired this amorous rhyme?

李利措辞巧妙的对话启发了他。Lyly's witty dialogue inspired him.

受默感的书教导真理。The inspired books teach the truth.

他的话激发了我的自信心。His words inspired confidence in me.

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帕蒂曾经激发过很多伟大的歌曲的创作。Pattie inspired a lot of great songs.

这个戏剧性的梦启发了他很多。The dramatic dream inspired him a lot.

是什么促使你改名字的?What inspired you to change your name?

圣经自言是神所默示的。The Bible claims to be inspired by God.

充满希望的梦天鼓舞着大家伙。Full of hope inspired dream day big guy.

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他的演讲使我们大家倍受鼓舞。His speech inspired us all a great deal.

他的想象力鼓舞着他周围的人。But his vision inspired those around him.

现在他们还想得到精神鼓舞?and now they want to be inspired as well?