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你姐姐真是来个没有头脑的人。Your sister is such an airhead.

他是我所见过的最大的傻瓜。He's the biggest airhead I've ever met.

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她呀,“花瓶”一个,不能做学生会会长。She is too much of an airhead to be school president.

好家伙,那个男孩售货员是我见过的最愚蠢的人。Boy, that salesman was the biggest airhead I've ever seen.

我搞不懂为什么迈克那么喜欢芬妮。她根本是个没有脑袋的笨蛋。I don't get why Mike's so crazy about Fanny. She's such an airhead.

你别的都不要说,只要告诉他是多麽笨就好了。You don't have to tell him anything. Just tell him what an airhead he is.

空降经理对该行业是陌生的或只是缺少一些可行性的管理技巧。The Airhead is new to the industry or simply lacks any viable management skills.

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有时,初次认识卡罗尔的人会认为她是一个傻乎乎的没头脑的金发女人。Sometimes when people first meet Carol, they think she is a bit of blond airhead.

不要再跟他提起这件事了。我要怎么样才让你这个又硬又厚的头搞懂呢?。Don't bring this up to him again airhead. How can I get this through your thick head?

老师在课堂上叫我,我不知如何回答问题,觉得真像个大傻瓜。The teacher called on me in class, and I felt like such an airhead cause I couldn't answer the questions.

文章本着从实际出发的原则,介绍了空降场的基本概念,“实际空降场”和“映射空降场”实现重合的方法。Based on practicality, this paper introduces the basic concept of airhead, methods of superposing "real airhead" and "mapping airhead".

我真是受够了拉里。他是我见过的最蠢的傻瓜。老是犯一些粗心的错误,跟他一起工作实在太痛苦了。I am really fed up with Larry! He's the biggest airhead I've ever met. He always makes careless mistakes, and he's a pain to work with.

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在高中时,她想和爱学习有艺术气质的人交朋友,但是他们断然拒绝接受她,因为他们想当然的认为她只是一个轻浮而且脑袋空空如也的傻瓜蛋,或者怀疑她在嘲笑他们圈里的学生们迟钝。She was drawn to the scholastic and artistic crowds in high school but they rejected her point-blank, assuming either that she was a flighty airhead or was mocking the gawky students in those circles.