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行动会使猛狮般的恐惧,减缓为蚂蚁般的平静!Action reduces the lion of terror to an ant of equanimity.

好好享受水果给你带来的平静与健康生活吧!!May you enjoy your fruit in equanimity and abundant health!

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证悟只有通过平静和无执著才可获得。Realization is possible through equanimity and non-attachment.

抗敏温和配方,镇静安抚。Anti-sensitive the equanimity of gentle formulation, town pacify.

这对我是一个关于悲心与真正平等的伟大教诲。This was a great teaching for me on compassion and true equanimity.

当贝勒满法庭上的人若无其事地望着天花板。When Baylor full court, people looked at the ceiling with equanimity.

一瞅见这香味四溢的筵席,这小小的一伙人又安定下来。The little party recovered its equanimity at sight of the fragrant feast.

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耐心镇定地接受世事变迁,是最好的处事之道。It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.

耐心镇静地接受世事变迁,是最好的处事之道。It is far preferable take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.

魔御邪平静道,似乎并不在意那两人的身份。Is evil to resist an evil equanimity way, seem inattentive those 2 people's identities.

也许今天的专业中产阶级已经富裕到可以以平和之气吸收分裂带来的震荡。Perhaps the nonprofessional middle class is rich enough today to absorb its blows with equanimity.

我们的生活节奏越来越快。怎样在日常的生活压力中保持闲情逸致?Our lives become faster and faster. How to retain equanimity and balance in the stress of daily life?

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事实上,她现在对医院里的事情已能镇静地应付了,因为那里还是一个很好很愉快的狩猎场呢。In fact she could endure the hospital with equanimity now because it was a perfect happy hunting ground.

佛教音乐使人听闻之下烦恼顿消,内心趋于平静。After listening the Buddhist music, the pains and troubles disappear and the heart regains the equanimity.

平等心是不企望不好的感受赶快消失,也不企望好的感受持续下去。Equanimity means not wanting unpleasant sensations to cease and not wanting pleasant sensations to continue.

有时候,昼夜思念,可是当思念的人泛起在面前,你却安之若素。Sometimes, the circadian miss, but when the thoughts of people thrown in front, but you regard with equanimity.

好好工作,但不要觉得自己应该为公司永不满足的欲望而牺牲好心情。Do a good job, but don't feel obliged to sacrifice your own equanimity for the excessive demands of your company.

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杰克e。汤普森,主席姆斯塔克,例如了他的失败,以增益控制的圣塔菲与平常心。Jack E. Thompson, chairman of Homestake, for example, took his failure to gain control of Santa Fe with equanimity.

女人获得爱的方法是缓慢地渗透,然后在平静中品尝爱的芬芳。The woman acquire the method of love to be to slow- movingly permeate, then taste love in the equanimity of fragrant.

希望你从中能有所得,能变得更平和,更镇定,增强与周围世界的联系。I hope you've gotten something out of this on a way to increase calm, equanimity and connection to the world around you.