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不要短打。Don’t bunt.

杰克极力用短打打出投手投出的快球。Jack managed to bunt the fastball.

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他打出了一个曲线球,并因此赢得了一分。He bunt a curve and scored a point.

不要短打。目标瞄准场外。Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.

所有人立刻上甲板,赶快拉紧束帆索!On deck, all hands! Make fast the bunt gasket!

她的祖先是从门格洛尔腥黑穗病社区。Her ancestors are from the Bunt community of Mangalore.

信出局数太有价值了,不能牺牲触击掉。Bill James' belief that outs are too valuable to bunt away.

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小麦印度腥黑穗病主要随感病种子传播。Karnal bunt is spread mainly by the planting of infected seeds.

不要短打。目标要瞄准棒球场之外。瞄准加入不朽者的行列。Don't bunt. Aim out of the ball park. Aim for the company of the immortals.

你我无法在一个防空洞休息室棒球投手,并决定是否要触击?Couldn't you or I lounge in a baseball dugout and decide whether the pitcher should bunt?

眼看一些好人妄想赤手空拳地推倒一堵石墙,真叫人太伤心了。It really is too bad to see good men trying bunt a stone wall over with their bare hands.

高手在战术情境下考虑的是——应该把球传给谁,是短打还是将其击开。The expert can think about the tactical situation — to whom to pass the ball, whether to bunt or hit away.

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小麦矮腥黑穗病是我国的重要进口植物检疫对象之一。The disease of wheat dwarf bunt is one of the important quarantine targets when importing the plants to China.

铁头可能是他上学时得的绰号,那时他总低着头走路,一副准备随时一头把人撞到一边的架势。Bunt was probably a nickname given to him at school, for going around with his head lowered, ready to bump and shove anybody aside.

第六局当塔提司以一记牺牲触击将薛飞尔送上二垒后,在一人出局洋基有著一分的领先的状况下,乔拉第还是将小民给换了下来。When Gary Sheffield reached second base after a sacrifice bunt by Fernando Tatis, Girardi yanked Wang with a one-run lead and one out in the sixth inning.

深夜,四名刺客一式短打百钮衣,面蒙黑纱,手握短刀,避开卫士,直奔孙中山所住上房。Night, four assassins one type bunt 100 button, clothing, face he began, holding a knife, to avoid the guard, went straight to Sun Yat-sen lived in never ending.

铁头·纽科姆从马房的边门出来了,穿了条工作裤和一件在谷仓穿的油腻腻的罩衣,走动时有条腿摆动得很奇怪。Bunt Newcombe came out of a side door of the stable. He was wearing overalls and a greasy barn smock, and he moved with an odd swing of one leg. "Bum leg, " Dahlia said.

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今年的短打装扮灵感来源于六十年代,带有点未来主义的简约前卫感,但整体比例更短、设计更精致。The bunt this year dresses up inspiration to originate 60 time, contain the contracted avant-courier of bit of futurism to feel, but integral scale shorter, design is more delicate.

特工们误以为是庙里的和尚,带着他一起逃命,也在他铁头撞墙的帮助下顺利逃出包围。The secret service agents mistakenly think that is in the temple of monks, and fled for their life together with him, and in him a bunt under the help of the surrounded by who escaped.