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这在符号学上来说是不可能的。It's symbolically the wrong move.

象征性意义重大的捐助也在跟进。Symbolically significant donations are pouring in too.

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法庭判比克托夫罪名成立,并象征性地罚款。The court found against Mr Beketov and symbolically fined him.

但在保罗看来,这也具有重要象征意义。But it's also apparently seen by Paul as very symbolically important.

比如,我有一个在线资源,希望您能象征性地为其付出代价。Say I have an online resource that I want you to symbolically pay for.

把问题写在纸上,象征性的把他烧掉来释放情绪。Write the problem out on paper, and burn it to symbolically release the pain.

这次剥离的象征意义要大于其有限的规模所带来的实际意义。The spinoff is symbolically more significant than its modest size would suggest.

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亚洲,也美国一样,是一个依我们象征性思考的能力而定的概念。Asia, like America, is a concept that depends on our ability to think symbolically.

为了有语言,无论任何语言,你需要能够象征性地思想。In order to have language, any language, you need to be able to think symbolically.

数字九是最高的实数,也指九五至尊的天子。The number nine, being the highest value digit, symbolically represented the emperor.

他是在要用象征地手法传递一个不抵抗、不反应的例子。He was attempting to convey symbolically the secret of nonresistance and non reaction.

象征性的忍受了由,献祭者的不洁或罪孽所带来的痛苦。it has symbolically suffered from the offerer's state of ritual impurity or sinfulness.

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象征性的忍受了由,献祭者的不洁或罪孽所带来的痛苦。it has symbolically suffered from the offerer's state of ritual impurity or sinfulness.

象征性思维是我们做一切的基础,我们生活在一个符号的世界里。Thinking symbolically is the foundation of everything we do — we live in a symbolic world.

这幅图形象地描述了三个儿子和一个女儿如何对待一个年老无助的父亲。The picture symbolically depicts how three sons and a daughter treat their old, helpless father.

四人帮被逮捕象征着动荡不安和自我封锁时代的结束。The arrests of the Gang of Four symbolically ended the era of upheaval and self-imposed isolation.

刺青的最初几年好像一个米玛塔尔人赤裸的婴儿,只留下几个象征性符号。For the first few years of her life a Minmatar infant has bare skin, and it is left symbolically so.

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教堂象徵性地保护阿瑞亚诺女士,以免他们被移民局官员带走。The church is shielding Ms Arellano symbolically , if not legally, from the reach of immigration officials.

在第二种火刑中,犯人可能被绞死后,象征性地烧以下。In later versions of burning at the stake, the criminal would be hanged until dead and then burnt symbolically.

主体只有被阉割、分裂,方能进入象征秩序中。In Lakan's theory, subject must be symbolically castrated and split before he is admitted by the symbolic order.