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我这是去临终老人收容所。I’m on my way to a hospice.

一个感染艾滋病病毒的男子在赞比亚一处医务所沐浴清洗。A man ravaged by AIDS is bathed at a hospice in Zambia.

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最后久久地凝视了她一眼,我转身离开了收容所。And with one long last look, I turned and left the hospice.

茜西莉。桑德斯,国家收容所委员会主席。Cicely Saunders, President of the National Hospice Council.

唐找了位临终护理人员,布瑞克先生不到两天就走了。Don found a hospice nurse, and within two days Mr.Brick died.

向艾萨科夫咨询后,我打电话给当地临终医院。I called the local hospice after consulting with Dr. Isaacoff.

在我请求两天之后妈妈带我去了收容所。My mother brought me to the hospice two days after my request.

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如果从退休到养老院或坐轮椅就是一切,这又有什么意义?If it's all to retire into a hospice or a wheelchair, what's the point?

宁养医疗服务是一种全新的医疗模式,在国内尚属起步阶段。Hospice service is a totally new medical model in the beginning in China.

此外,在临床宝务的应用上,也可以最为相关训綀课程的参考。Besides, the hospice training courses also could be benefited and inspired.

他们要求做好安排将他们的祖母送去宁养院。They demanded that arrangements be made to send their grandma to the hospice.

2004年6月,我从索韦托晚期病人收容所转到奥兰姆护理中心。I was transferred from Soweto Hospice to the Aurum's care centre in June 2004.

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晚期就意味着新的脑瘤,坏疽,治疗的结束,还有护理所。Milestones like new brain tumors, necrosis, the end of treatments, and hospice.

临终关怀是一种特殊的医疗保健服务项目,是一项新兴的社会公益事业。Hospice care is a special health care service and a rising social public career.

在美国,实行临终关怀的合格病人是由美国医疗保健计划所包括的。In the United States, hospice care for qualified patients is covered by Medicare.

座落在德利福斯山上的圣心救济院是幢巨大的建筑物,里面一片漆黑。The Hospice of the Sacred Heart was an enormous edifice, its upper floors in darkness.

我是在康妮住进收容所病房的那天见到她的。I met Connie the day she was admitted to the hospice room, where I worked as a volunteer.

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赞比亚的一家名为母亲的慈爱的慈善医院,一个护士轻轻地引导约瑟芬到她的病床。A nurse gently leads Josephine Mudenda to her bed at the Mother of Mercy Hospice in Zambia.

在荷兰,养老院都设有两到四个床位的临终关怀室,医院则无此类设置。The Netherlands has hospice units of two to four beds in nursing homes rather than hospitals.

我对“好的晚期病人安养院”的定义是一个能让一些病人开始感到生有所恋的地方。My definition of a good hospice is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die.