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布朗本人也曾保证过给这个停滞不前、软弱无力的政府带去新的能量,但是很明显他失败了。Mr Brown himself has failed signally to breathe new energy into an exhausted government.

他们减少了与十四个邻国的边界争端,这是个非凡的成就。They have signally reduced the number of land-border disputes with their fourteen neighbors.

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历史学家长期在争论,为什么中国人没能利用早期的成就。Historians have long debated why the Chinese so signally failed to exploit their early promise.

很明显,在本轮异常严重的危机前夕,许多国家都未能做到这点。It is a combination many countries signally failed to achieve in the run up to this huge crisis.

证明C812A、C814A的突变确实能显著改变包涵体的溶解性。It demonstrated, that the mutagenesis of C812A and C814A could signally change the dissolvability of inclusion bodies.

农村留守学生的自尊、一般效能感、生活事件应激量与幸福感显著性相关,并均进入回归方程。The esteem, general self-efficiency, life events stress are signally correlated with well-being, they all entered regression equation.

中心还将肩负起把犹太经典著作或关于犹太经验的重要名著迻译成中文的使命。It will also be the Center's mission to translate into Chinese, Jewish classics or signally important books written on the Jewish experience.

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他能做的主要就是这一些。如果她到了目的地,他却没有下车帮她照看行李,那是因为照他估计他的追求显然失败了。If, when she reached her destination he did not alight and attend her baggage FOR her, it was because, in his own estimation, he had signally failed.

当马克思利用他人观点时,很难单纯由这一事实就把他说成是黑格尔主义者、费尔巴哈主义者,或其他。While he made use of other's views that fact alone hardly makes him a Hegelian Feuerbachian or whatever and he signally fails stronger tests of discipleship.

当马克思利用他人观点时,很难单纯由这一事实就把他说成是黑格尔主义者、费尔巴哈主义者,或其他什么主义者,而。While he made use of other's views, that fact alone hardly makes him a Hegelian, Feuerbachian, or whatever, and he signally fails stronger tests of discipleship.

其根本原因在于中国引进跨国公司的过程中,严重忽视和缺乏对产业自主创新能力的建造。The fundamental reason for this is that in the course of introducing MNCs, China has signally neglected to build its own industries' capacity for independent innovation.

我不理解人们竟然梦到自己在社会中脆弱和被人冷落,这类梦是我做了不只一次的,尽管这在我将要给出的示例中不可能如此的突出。I cannot understand why one should dream of being slighted or snubbed in society, but this is what I have done more than once, though never perhaps so signally as in the instance I am about to give.

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他写道南方,"因自豪勇敢而可敬",南方人,"因自豪勇敢而可敬,他们彬彬有礼,对人慷慨,他们忠诚,行动迅速,常常过于迅速,但他们效率显著,有时甚至不择手段He said Southerners are "Proud, brave, honorable by its" The South is "Proud, brave, honorable by its lights, courteous, personally generous, loyal, swift to act, often too swift, but signally effective, sometimes terrible in its actions.