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它是资本主义最坚强的支柱。It is the strongest bulwark of capitalism.

绿色贸易不同于绿色壁垒。Green trade differs from green bulwark in nature.

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人民的支持是御敌的强大力量。Our people's support is a bulwark against the enemy.

北朝鲜总理称赞中国为地区支柱。North Korean premier lauds China as regional bulwark.

平台可以从驾驶室两翼舷墙进入。Platform can be accessed from both side of wing bulwark.

当完成这些的时候回到亡灵壁垒的梅拉那里。Return to Mehlar at the Bulwark when you have done this.

没有要求安装舷墙的地方需要安装栏杆。Handrails shall be provided where bulwark is not required.

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社会民主主义在她自身和灾难间构筑了一条壁垒。Social democracy is one bulwark between itself and disaster.

绿色产品的设计和制造是打破“绿色壁垒”的唯一途径。Green Design and Manufacturing is the only way to break "Green Bulwark".

在设置导缆孔处舷墙板增加板厚和加强筋。Bulwark plate to be thickened and stiffener to be added in way of mooring hole.

我想申请一些油漆向堡垒之前,粘合了护柱,在发生。I wanted to apply some paint to the bulwark prior to gluing the bollards in place.

因此,日本作为亚洲民主防波堤的角色就比以往更加重要了。Japan's role as a democratic bulwark in Asia is thus more important than ever before.

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在一个模仿被庆祝的世界里,切尔西是对抗单一的防波提。In a world where imitation is celebrated, the Chelsea is a bulwark against conformity.

有些教师特别指出前千禧年论乃是对抗理性主义的堡垒。Some teachers said explicitly that premillennialism was a bulwark against rationalist theology.

布鲁塞尔冷酷的政治活动曾经是反对极端主义的堡垒,而现在却成了一个障碍。The bloodless politics of Brussels, once a bulwark against extremism, has now become an obstacle.

土耳其的情况表明,现代伊斯兰教政党可以成为对抗激进主义的保障。Turkey’s situation suggests that moderate Islamic parties can act as a bulwark against radicalism.

渔人的船籍港是加拿大东部的前哨-----伸入北大西洋的一个坚固的堡垒。Home port for these men is Canada's eastern outpost—a rugged bulwark thrust into the North Atlantic.

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我的种种幻想都是一种道义上的保障,使我感到我在保持自己感情尊严的完整性。My fantasies were a moral bulwark that enabled me to feel i was keeping my emotional integrity whole.

二战之前,法国认为他们的玛格涅特防线是对抗德国入侵不可攻破的壁垒。Before World War II, the French thought their Magnet Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion.

第二次世界大战前,法国人把马奇诺防线视为对抗德国人入侵的坚强堡垒。Before World War II, the French thought their Maginot Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion.