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商誉作为一项无形资产入账。Goodwill is booked as an intangible asset.

汉夫特说这就是无形魅力之所在。Then, Hanft said, there's the intangible appeal.

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这还不包括美国的无形资产。And let's also add in America's intangible assets.

这要怪我自己,竟然妄图抓住无形的事物。It’s my own fault, I want to grasp the intangible.

声和光都不可触摸的。Sound is intangible and the same is true of light.

软件是无形资产,他是思想的具体化。Software is intangible. It is the embodiment of an idea.

清江流域有着丰富的非物质文化遗产。Qingjiang valley is rich in intangible cultural heritages.

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所谓本质是一种不存在于这个世界的无形的东西。Your essence is an intangible item that is not of this world.

在某种程度上说,它会成为一种无形的礼物或者一种影响力的体现。It sort of turns into an intangible gift or a show of affection.

无形资产的摊销年限不得低于10年。An intangible asset shall be amortized for no less than 10 years.

第十九条使用寿命不确定的无形资产不应摊销。Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized.

就其组织形式结构而言,有实体型和非实体型之分。As for the structure of form, there are tangible and intangible types.

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计算成本时一定要把无形损耗计算在内。When calculating the cost, one has to include intangible depreciation.

秀山花灯是国家级非物质文化遗产。Xiushan festive lantern is a state-level intangible cultural heritage.

中国古代画论的空白,以无形表现有形。Ancient Chinese painting on blank to intangible manifestations visible.

TCO的第一宗罪是它未能捕捉无形价值。The first problem with TCO is that it fails to capture intangible value.

但是你也有一些十分私人的,无可名状的情绪。Then you have the intangible elements, which can also be quite personal.

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不可辨认无形资产是指商誉。Unidentifiable intangible assets refer to the commercial credit standing.

心怀希望,就能看见隐藏之形,触摸到幽微之物,成就不可能之事。Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

非物质文化遗产具有不可估量的潜能和价值。The intangible cultural heritages are unfathomably potential and valuable.