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今天,奥巴马同样可以把这些话放在他的提词器上。Obama could put that on his teleprompter today.

我得说我看了他的演讲,觉得他不用提词器也没啥。I think he's doing just fine without his teleprompter.

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奥巴马从来没有对于他用提词器这方面有所避忌。Obama has never tried to hide his use of a teleprompter.

当我匆匆看了一眼电子提词机,开始的演讲时,我的信心一下就滑落了。My confidence slipped when I glanced at the TelePrompTer to begin my speech.

在22日晚上,我只是感到很高兴电子提词机正常工作了。On the night of the twenty-second, I was just glad that the TelePrompTer was working.

看来这次在远程提示器另一端的伙计们也没能帮上忙呢。Looks like not even the guys at the other side of his teleprompter could help this time.

我们决定建一个网站,在宿舍卖台词提示软件?Why we thought we could put up a website and sell teleprompter softwares for our dorm room?

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后来他被称为TelePrompTer经营者感谢他为跟上这些撕裂的文本。Afterward he called the TelePrompTer operator to thank him for keeping up with the mangled text.

用提词器会在总统和观众之间形成一道墙,因为总统的眼睛总是会盯着提词器。In a way, it stands in the middle between the audience and the president because his eye is on the teleprompter.

就算他这是谨慎之举、个人风格或者心理安慰吧,奥巴马在过去一再表现出自己对于提词器的依赖。But be it extra precaution, style or a mental crutch, Obama has shown in the past that he needs the teleprompter.

我很熟练的人都在期待,Mac和PC机建立一个良好的前瞻性和专业的提词器软件。I am looking for someone skilled in both, Mac & PC to develop a good looking and professional teleprompter software.

尼森说,字幕可以调大。但是就算字幕调到最大,尼可看着仍旧困难。The teleprompter letters can be made larger, Nelson offered. But with the font-size maximized, Kidman still struggled.

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然而,乔治布什的前助手布拉德烈说视读仪使奥巴马看上去像一个机器人。Yet Bradley A. Blakeman, a former aide to President George W. Bush, said the teleprompter made Mr. Obama look robotic.

脱稿出丑传奇般的布什在2002年联合国关于伊拉克问题的演讲上使用了视读仪。Mr. Bush, whose unscripted gaffes were legendary, used a teleprompter for his 2002 speech to the United Nations on Iraq.

该软件还包括一个用于叙述的新闻广播员风格的讲词提示装置以及一个电视品质的图形和标题库。This software also includes a newscaster-style teleprompter for narration and a TV-quality library of graphics and titles.

我们需要电视购物脚本能够被添加在一个格式化的方式将提词机,我可以给这方面的例子。We need the infomercial scripts to be able to be added to the teleprompter in a formatted fashion, i can give examples of this.

裸体新闻报道的明星之一,维多利亚●辛克莱尔,跟随一台安置在一幅绿色的屏幕显视器前的讲词提示器逐行朗读时慢慢地脱下自己的衣服。Victoria Sinclair one of the stars of the Naked News slowly strips down while reading from a teleprompter in fron of a green screen.

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在最近的一次商业部长任命仪式上,你可以明显的看到奥巴马有多依赖提词器。Just how much of a crutch the teleprompter has become for Obama was on sharp display during his latest commerce secretary announcement.

比尔克林顿的演讲稿写作人麦克尔沃尔曼说,奥巴马能够有效利用视读仪,在政治家中是少见的。Michael Waldman, who was President Bill Clinton's chief speechwriter, said Mr. Obama was one of the few politicians able to use a teleprompter effectively.

奥巴马式的演讲失灵了。美国人已经对奥巴马充斥着陈词滥调和毫无新意的演讲麻木了,更何况他还时不时用一下提词器。Obama fails to inspire. America is no longer inspired by his flat, monotonous and often dull presidential speeches and statements delivered via teleprompter.