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他费力的指向枕头下面。He pointed under the pillow arduously.

他拼命学习弹奏,很快就加入了当地的一个乐队。He practiced arduously and soon began to play in local bands.

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非洲人民正在为争取非洲的彻底解放进行着艰巨的斗争。African people is struggling arduously for their complete emancipation.

伟人就是当别人熟睡的时候,自己还在辛勤的向上攀爬。A great man is one who climbs upward arduously while others are sleeping soundly.

我觉得事业能不能做得好,关键看你能不能够很好的做到百折不挠。I feel the business can well do, key's seeing you can be good to attain arduously.

经过众多石工艰苦劳作,此碑大体凿就。The huge stone blocks were chiseled off the hill body by numerous stoneworkers laboring arduously.

尽管必须忍受垃圾收集,但是暂停时间太长完全是另一回事。While garbage collection must be tolerated, arduously long pause times are another matter entirely.

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在狼的生命中,没有什么可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来。In wolves’ life, nothing can take place of unyielding spirit, which makes them live arduously and painfully.

案发后,在云南省各级公安部门的努力工作下,已圈定犯罪嫌疑人为马加爵。After the case was discovered, the police of Yunnan Province arduously discovered Ma Jiajun, the suspected criminal.

在狼的生命中,没有什么可以替代锲而不舍的精神,正因为它才使得狼得以千心万苦地生存下来。In wolves' life, nothing can take place of their unyielding spirit, which makes them survive arduously and painfully.

随着我国汽车保有量的逐年增加,停车难的问题正严重阻碍着城市的发展。As China's car ownership has increased year by year, the problem of park arduously is hindering the city's development.

但是本文的全部努力都旨在把读者带回到尼采艰巨的知识探讨工作的起点——身体。But all efforts of this text is to take reader back to the starting point of arduously discussing knowledge of Nietzsche-Body.

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全厂员工不懈努力、精益求精,推出了极具竞争的产品价格和供货速度。Plant employees arduously strive for excellence, introducing highly competitive product prices and delivery speed, and improving the quality of service to a perfect level.

当每一家公司都在辛勤的探寻着新的金矿时,一个新的、史无前例的、搜索引擎完美的模式出现了——竞价排名。When all the companies are arduously looking for the new gold mine, Overture created an unprecedented concept, ranking auctions, an ideal commercial mode for search engine.

现在内部锁定的人常常通过仅仅能做到的动作与人交流,眨眼或轻微的动手,费力地从表单上读字。People who are now “locked in” often communicate with any movement they can make – blinking an eye or moving a hand slightly – to arduously pick letters or words from a list.

只要还有一个勤奋刻苦的学生,在一堆厚厚的教辅书中翻来翻去、搔首踟蹰,费力地寻找那似曾相识的题目和解答,我们就绝不会满足。We can never be satisfied as long as there is still one hard-working student who has to be in perplexity and search arduously for a similar exercise from a high stack of books.

作为我国国有商业银行,在信贷管理体制改革和信贷管理水平提高方面的任务尤显艰巨。As the state-run business bank of our country, show particularly arduously in the reform of management system of credit and task of improving the respect of management level of credit.

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他不仅是画坛辛勤耕耘70余年的一代宗师,而且在艺术观念的开拓上也做出了重要贡献。He is not only a great master who has worked arduously for more than 70 years in the field of painting, but also a man who has made important contributions in exploring artistic concepts.

在近代中国,为了挽救民族危亡,无数志士仁人付出了艰辛努力,乃至生命的代价,但结果都失败了。In modern times, striving to save the Chinese nation when its very existence was at stake, numerous people with lofty ideals worked arduously at considerable sacrifice but did not succeed.

在各族人民支持下,西征大军经过数年艰苦征战,收复了被占的中国领土。With supports of masses of nationalities, the western expeditionary contingent fought up and down the region arduously for years, and finally recovered the territories once occupied by others.