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她的家庭被一场梆弄得一贫如洗。Her family was impoverished by a fire.

与世隔绝、贫穷的小山村。in its isolated, impoverished mountain villages.

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家贫出孝子。An impoverished family can call forth a filial son.

加拉特是这个赤贫省的一个偏远地区。Ziarat is a rural part of an impoverished province.

社会救助的对象是贫困者。The object that the social security is impoverished.

枪支和毒品贸易让大多数人依旧贫困。The guns and drugs trade left most people impoverished.

这就是生活在贫困山区的父子,他们一生别无所求。The father and his son live in an impoverished hilly area.

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给贫困的灾民送去了救济金和粮食。Money and food were sent to the impoverished drought victims.

她曾经那样地热爱穷人的儿子保尔。She had so loved Pavel Korchagin, a son of impoverished family.

他们垄断政治,排斥庶族寒门。They monopolize politics, repel commoners my impoverished family.

而将贵金属从一个国家运出则会使其变穷。Whatever sent the precious metals out of a country impoverished it.

在书中的一章节讲到他回到了挝娄南部的贫困地区。In one chapter he returns to the impoverished region of South Wollo.

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奥威尔在穷酸的氛围中被带大。Orwell was thus brought up in an atmosphere of impoverished snobbery.

听完伦纳德的话,玛德琳感觉自己快乐的童年太过平淡了。Listening to Leonard, Madeleine felt impoverished by her happy childhood.

利用假期到第三世界国家去帮助那里的人们。Spend your vacation in a third world country helping impoverished people.

他的成千上万生活于这一贫瘠地区的丁卡族同胞们就没有这么幸运了。Thousands of his fellow Dinka in this impoverished region are not so lucky.

但对于贫穷人家而言,女儿不只是费钱。But it's not simply that girls are more expensive for impoverished families.

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他将黄金扔进烟囱以保留这位穷困的父亲的脸面。He dropped the gold down the chimney to save face for the impoverished father.

她变成了穷苦家庭里的敢做敢当的妇人,又坚强,又粗暴。She had become the woman of impoverished households—strong and hard and rough.

中国是贫穷的北韩最大的支持者和唯一的同盟军。China is impoverished North Korea's biggest benefactor and its only major ally.