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只一枚鱼雷就把敌舰舰身穿了个洞。The enemy's vessel was hulled with only one torpedo.

割,筛清和去壳以后才出售。Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.

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把草莓果实放进食品处理机或搅拌机里面。Add the hulled strawberries to a food processor or blender.

金翅雀喜欢蓟的种子、带壳向日葵籽和向日葵油籽。Goldfinches like thistle seeds, hulled sunflower seeds, and oil-type sunflower seeds.

双方开始燕麦是清洁,烤,和脱壳成为我们所称的燕麦格罗茨。Both start with oats that are cleaned, toasted, and hulled to become what we call oat groats.

去壳荞麦是麸质纹理状种子,尽管它的名字是不相关的常规小麦。Hulled Buckwheat is a gluten grain-like seed and despite its name is not related to conventional wheat.

所有商业渔船都该是像那六十英尺钢板拖捞船的样子但是很少能做到。The sixty-foot steel- hulled trawler was what all commercial fishing boats ought to look like but seldom did.

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英国亿万富翁理查德·布兰森希望创造一项新的驾驶单体帆船横跨大西洋的记录。British billionaire Richard Branson is hoping to set a new trans-Atlantic record for a single- hulled sailboat.

它在加拿大极具特色,几乎所有的健康食品店都能找到脱壳大麻种子和大麻种子油。It typically comes to us from Canada, and hulled hemp seeds and hemp oil can be found in most health food stores.

码头上停泊着几十艘出租用的垂钓船,大部分都是当地制造的玻璃钢纤维船,马达都挂在船外。The dock is home to Rompin's fleet of several dozen sportfishing charter boats, mostly local made fiberglass hulled vessels powered by outboard motors.

他将乘坐那条长长的黑色“风暴神”号快艇,船头插上吓人的旗帜,披风斩浪航行在浪花翻滚的大海上,这该有多么威风!How gloriously he would go plowing the dancing seas, in his long, low, black- hulled racer, the Spirit of the storm, with his grisly flag flying at the fore!

观察者号滑行在阿拉斯加内航道的明净河水中。这是一艘由木质船身的二战时代的扫雷艇改装而成的12人游览艇。Observer, a wooden- hulled , World War II-era minesweeper that has been converted to a 12-passenger cruising yacht, glides through glassy water in Alaska's Inside Passage.

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南瓜籽、杏仁、松籽仁、葵花籽仁、黑豆、养麦米、等各种杂粮、豆类有机农副产品。Pumpkinseed , Apricot, Pine Nuts Kernels, Sunflower Kernels, black soy beans, hulled buckwheat. And food grains other than rice and wheat legumes organic agricultural and sideline products.

麻饼、烘糕、寸金、白切由精制的芝麻经脱壳后与白糖、面粉、麻油等优质原料配制,经独特工艺加工而成。Mabing, Honggao, Cunjin and Baiqie are four favorite local dainties made from hulled sesame mixed with choice white sugar, flour, sesame oil, etc. through a specially designed technical processing.