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检察官两次决定不起诉小泽一郎。Prosecutors twice decided not to indict him.

我可以告你诱拐中学生。I can indict you for abducting high school student.

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国际刑事法庭必须决定是否起诉这些嫌犯。The ICC must decide whether to indict the suspects.

但迪千索不仅仅是指控贝卢斯科尼。But Ms Di Censo did more than just indict Mr Berlusconi.

他们是否起诉犯罪嫌疑人的决定大部分情况下都是不可上诉的。Their decisions on whether to indict someone have mostly been unappealable.

检察官说因为证据不足,不会起诉鸠山由纪夫。Prosecutors said they wouldn't indict Mr. Hatoyama due to insufficient evidence.

米兰一名法官表示,有足够的证据就两项罪名对贝卢斯科尼总理进行控告。A judge in Milan says there's enough evidence to indict Silvio Berlusconi on two counts.

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承制单位往往采取提出询问、质疑与投诉的方式,维护自身合法权益。The equipment suppliers always inquire, suspect and indict to assert their lawful behalf.

赵俊雄决定对李健熙及其他九名高管提起诉讼,但没有批捕他们。The special prosecutor decided to indict Mr. Lee and nine other executives but not arrest them. Mr.

现场应用结果表明,该整形器可以满足内凹形套管变形整形扩径的需要。Application indict the plastic can satisfy the need for concavity casing plastic and hole enlargement.

实例计算表明,固井质量较差井段的套管柱所受载荷发生了明显变化。The calculation results indict that the loads of the casing in the segment with poor cementing quality were changed significantly.

日本新闻机构共同通信社说,日本诉讼方基于他并非蓄谋为之而决定不起诉詹先生。Japan's prosecutors chose not to indict Mr Zhan on the grounds that his act was not premeditated, according to Kyodo, the Japanese news agency.

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我注意到,所有这些现象的根源并非在于中国的金融体系,或任何一种模式——我们都知道,美国金融体制也有自己的困难。I note all this not to indict the Chinese financial system, or any one model — we all know the U.S. financial system struggles with its own problems.

肉食者的第二个无聊论点是试图指控纯素食的生活方式,声称植物蒙受痛苦和死亡来养活世界上的纯素食主义者。The second inanity of meat-eaters is attempting to indict the vegan lifestyle by claiming that plants suffer and die to feed the vegans of the world.

他已经被拘留俄,警察保留了起诉他的权利。相关证据显示包括他在内的犯罪团伙确实参加了这次抢劫。He has been detained, and the police retain the right to indict him. The pertaining evidence shows that the mobster containing him did join the robbery.

近年来,国外对我国出口产品的反倾销指控日益增多,我国成为了世界上反倾销浪潮中最大的受害者。In recent years, it become increasing rapidly to indict anti-dump of abroad to domestic export products. We are the biggest victim of this flow in the world.

这种原则性反抗的策略,可说是证明,或判定苏格拉底,腐化与亵渎神明,罪名的证据吗?Does this policy of principled disobedience, you might say vindicate or indict Socrates of the charge of corruption and impiety ? that has been brought against him?

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到目前为止,政府已经找到充足的根据来起诉二百多家涉及丑闻案的公司中的五位经理。So far, the government has found sufficient grounds to indict only five executives on backdating out of all those at the 200-plus companies involved in the scandal.

一项不予起诉的裁决应当立刻被报告到法庭之上,以书面的形式呈递给主审法官,以便被告能够迅速地被释放出去或者获得保释。A decision not to indict should immediately be reported to the court in writing by the foreperson so that the accused may promptly be released from jail or freed on bail.

乌尔德·阿卜杜拉同样迫切期待海牙的国际刑事法庭能起诉本国的一些恶灌满盈的军阀头子,这样才能使他们不至于杀了这些人还要受惩罚。Mr Ould Abdullah is also keen for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to indict some of the worst warlords, to show they cannot murder their opponents with impunity.