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M30已进入87的超买区域,但未形成下探信号。M30 has entered the overbought area 87, but failed to test a low-signal.

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和前几周不同,RSI指标已经不处于超买区了。RSI levels are no longer overbought as had been the case several weeks ago.

可以成为一个安全买或超卖的一段较长的时间。A security can become overbought or oversold for an extended period of time.

整个12月标普500指数每天都收于超买水准.The entire month of December the S&P 500 has closed in overbought levels everyday.

定义安全成为的意义的MACD尝试抢购了或吹嘘。The MACD attempts to define the points where a security becomes overbought or oversold.

目前油价继续在高点附近盘整,并慢慢走出严重超买的局面。Price continues basing sideway near high as it works off the extreme overbought condition.

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他称,"在技术性买超区域强力走升后,市场将准备好了结获利.""After ralling strongly to a technically overbought territory, the markets were ripe for profit taking," he said.

另外,超买状态意味着标普500指数近期上涨动能是不可持续的。Additionally, the overbought condition suggested that recent upside momentum in the S&P 500 index is unsustainable.

Gartman说道.他指出当许多记者都询问他对涨势的看法时,通常就是市场超买的时候.Gartman said. He said a market is usually overbought by the time so many reporters ask him to shed light on a rally.

如此一来,投资者大举撤离可能被超买的新兴市场,转战发达国家.It has prompted a significant shift by investors away from potentially overbought emerging markets into developed ones.

短期技术上将进入一个超买区域,如有回落至短期均线附近不妨分批吸纳。Technology will enter a short-term overbought region, where falling back to near the average short-term may wish to absorb.

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“虽然黄金在短期内已成为超买,但它的中期和长期基本面和以往一样很好,”他说。"While gold has become overbought in the short term, its medium and long term fundamentals are as sound as ever, " he said.

这就增加了市场消化掉超买状态后标普迅速攀上新高的可能性。This increases the probability that the S&P will break to new high as soon as the market works off the overbought condition.

不过,市场不但已经严重超买,而且我们仍处在熊市当中,因此我们不应指望股市V型复苏。However, not only that the market is pretty much overbought , we're still in a bear market so we do not expect a V-shaped recovery.

尽管大量个股触及52周高位暗示市场有广泛买盘,动能指标也暗示市场可能超买.While the large number of 52-week highs suggest broad-based buying, momentum indicators also suggest the markets could be overbought.

另外,我们的短期周期指标目前收于21.59点并正在从超买领域下行。Additionally, our proprietary short-term cycle indicator currently closed at 21.59 and is trending lower from the overbought territory.

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债券市场尤其供不应求,我想不出比它更具有壮观的盈利潜力的,特别是在长期持有上。Bond markets are especially overbought and I can’t think of more spectacular profit potential particularly at the long end of the spectrum.

目前还没有任何迹象显示连续9周的上涨趋势是失败的,严重的买空势头使棉花价格达到目前的水平。While there has been no indication of a failure to the 9-week uptrend, the heavily overbought momentum keeps us defensive at current levels.

尽管本周受到冲击,但市场的中长期信心仍偏向正面,技术指标并未显示市场呈现超涨.Despite this week's skittishness, sentiment for the market is positive longer term, and technical indicators do not suggest the market is overbought.