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马利已经失去了爬上山顶所需的精力了。Marley just did not have the oomph needed to make it to the top.

让我们看看它是否已经准备好给我们的双超的所需的魅力。Let's see if it's ready to give our twin Ultra's the required oomph.

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地基或者是空基的激光或粒子束可以提供初速度。Earth- or space- based lasers or particle beams could add initial oomph.

但由于全球经济增长缺乏动力,复苏似乎会缓慢。But recovery is likely to be slow, with little oomph to feed global growth.

渗出森女士在她的每一个在屏幕上移动的魅力,在她的性感薄纱纱丽。Ms Sen oozed oomph in every move of hers on screen, in her sensual chiffon saris.

最初的时候,当你被吸引到另一个人会感到性感和兴奋。This is the initial oomph and excitement when you are attracted to the other person.

欧洲首席保险公司就非人身保险金的文书和负债资产表魅力可以与之匹敌。Europe’s leading insurance companies rival it in terms of non-life premiums written and balance-sheet oomph.

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将他们煮成浓汤蘸涂在食品上,或者将他们添加到沙拉、汤、砂锅菜中以获取额外的蛋白质魅力。Puree them into dips and spreads, or add them to salads, soups, stews, and casseroles for extra protein oomph.

这一跨越可能由链条驱动的发明带来,这种驱动中每踏一下都会注入更多活力。The leap was made possible by the invention of the chain-drive, which generated more oomph for every pedal push.

你的游泳技巧需要更吸引人么?你是否缺乏动力?要花很久才能拥有并感觉到水感?Does your swimming technique need more oomph? Do you lack propulsion? Long to get a better hold and feel for the water?

我想说的是,有时候我们仅仅需要在现有的网络存储服务中,进行一些小小的“改进”。The point I'm trying to get at is that sometimes you just need alittle extra oomph in the online file storage department.

金星离火星非常近距离的运行,这非常不寻常,更增加了这令人喜悦情景的吸引力。Venus will be orbiting very close to Mars, which is highly unusual, adding a great deal of oomph to this charming situation.

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Canesta耗费了11年的时间研制出这种能够处理图像和远程信息的芯片,让设备拥有3D感官的能力。Canesta has spent 11 years building chips that process images and information about distances to give devices some 3-D oomph.

“格罗根先生谈到一次陪马利登熟悉的山时写道,“也许他已经没有精力登上山峰了。”Grogan writes, about walking with Marley up a familiar hill. "Marley just did not have the oomph needed to make it to the top.

将他们煮成浓汤蘸涂在食品上,或者将他们添加到沙拉、汤、砂锅菜中以获取额外的蛋白质魅力。Puree them into dips and spreads, or add them to salads, soups, stews, and casseroles for extra protein oomph. E-mail to a friend

霍克斯承认,要让”超级猎鹰“飞起来需要非常可观的能量,好像只有喷气式发动机有如此大的功率。Hawkes admits that an awful lot of power will be needed to get the Super Falcon airborne, and only jet engines have enough oomph to do the job.

他们是在做别的打算,如购买住房抵押贷款和商业票据,但目前尚不清楚这到底有多大的作用。They are doing other things, like buying mortgage-backed securities and commercial paper, but it is not clear how much extra oomph that provides.

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我的灵感是非洲狩猎。我的设计融合了大地色系和狩猎装的细节,优雅而性感。My inspiration was a safari in Africa. Combined earth-toned colors with details of a Safari suit, my collection created a new look of elegance and oomph.

然而,对于欧元区这块暮气沉沉的大陆来说,其整体的经济增速并不难看,这要感谢生机蓬勃的德国,它在2010年里是增长最快的发达国家。Yet the euro zone as a whole has grown at a decent rate for an ageing continent, thanks to oomph from Germany, the fastest-growing big rich economy in 2010.

太空服让宇航员处于真空状态,他们没有足够的气压来完成同样的动作。Space suits keep astronauts from suffering from the effects of the vacuum around them, but they don't have the same oomph of an entire atmosphere's worth of pressure.