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真实情况泄露。True condition is divulged.

仍不清楚究竟是什么技术可能遭到了泄露。It is still not clear exactly what technology may have been divulged.

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这些隐私信息一旦泄露,后果不堪设想。Once these privacy information are divulged , consequence is unimaginable.

稀有鸟类的巢址只能保育人员知晓。The sites of rare nesting birds should be divulged only to the proper conservation authorities.

传闻亚历山大在阿蒙神殿里,蒙受了他不肯透露的天启。At the Temple of Amon, legend says, Alexander received a divine revelation which he never divulged.

根据布什政府的说法,穆罕穆德在其被扣押期间供出了大量非常有价值的情报。Accordingto the Bush Administration, Mohammed divulged information of tremendous valueduring his detention.

诺尔三人组会把客人傻乎乎泄露的任何有用情报都反馈给阿克罗斯-克里克。The Nalle triplets reported back to the mayor any useful information their guests may have foolishly divulged.

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其他节俭的人所透露的技巧可能不足以支付一架飞机,甚至连玩具飞机也不够,但也有一些意义。Other frugal folks divulged tips that might not quite cover the cost of a jet, even a toy one, but made some sense.

由于信息与事实相反,所以他在页面上建立的这个cause其实是假的,但还是有27000人签名抵制搬迁。Despite the fact that he divulged on the page that the cause was fake, 27, 000 people signed up to protest the move.

由于缺乏严格的法律保护,我国公民个人信息被泄露和滥用已经到了非常严重的程度。Because lack strict legal protection, information of individual of our country citizen is divulged and abuse had arrived very serious degree.

他没有泄露任何国家机密,但Dominguez说安东尼奥在聊天中透露了古巴统治阶层享受的自由和特权。He divulged no state secrets, but, according to Dominguez, spilled the beans on freedoms and material privileges enjoyed by the ruling class.

一个曾经参与绑架里兹卡诺的反叛游击队的逃兵向政府透露了他们的位置,政府军于是展开了大面积搜索并切断了反叛组织的供给线。A deserter from the rebel unit that held Lizcano divulged his location to the government, and the military fanned out to cut off rebel supply lines.

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宝玉还欲看时,那仙姑知他天分高明,性情颖慧,恐把仙机泄漏。Baoyu would have read on, but the goddess knowing his high natural endowments and quick intelligence feared the secrets of Heaven might be divulged.

2007年,自从暴雪确认了新网游正在制作这件事情以来,有关这个新网游计划的消息就一直少得如同饼干上掉下来的面包渣一般。After confirming it was working on a new massively multiplayer online game in 2007, Blizzard Entertainment has divulged only a few details on the project.

未经用户同意不得公开、泄露用户注册信息,但法律、法规另有规定的除外。The information as registered by users shall not be publicized or divulged without the approval of the users, unless it is otherwise provided for by any law or regulation.

新华社没有透露与哪个组织签订转播项目和约,也没有和其合作伙伴扩大交易,然而它显得雄心勃勃。Xinhua has not divulged which organisations have signed up to broadcast its programmes or expand on the nature of the deals with its partners. However, it has ambitious plans.

盼、丽联手侦查一犯罪团,在警匪混战中虽把匪徒击杀,但亦泄露了警方卧底之身份。Long for, beautiful investigate one crime group together, in alarm in bandit battle royal although attack bandit, kill, but also divulged police to lie the identity of the bottom.

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他们的谈话内容很敏感,没有记录员在场,但是这位欧洲领导人随即将奥尔默特告诉他的布什立场这个高度敏感内容透露给了他手下的其他官员。Their talks were so sensitive that no note-takers attended, but the European leader subsequently divulged to his officials the highly sensitive contents of what Olmert had told him of Bush's position.