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我有一条羊毛围巾。I have a wooly scarf.

这些长毛猛犸的平均身高是11英尺。The average height of a Wooly Mammoth is about 11 feet tall.

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工作被40头可爱的小绵羊给代替完成。Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, little vealy wooly lambs.

工作被40头可爱的小绵羊给代替完成。Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, little woolley wooly lambs.

正确的猎犬被毛应该有坚硬的外层披毛和羊毛状的底毛。A proper hunting coat will show a hard outer coat and wooly undercoat.

代替这些,工作被40只可爱的小羊羔来完成。Instead, the job its is done by fourty 40 cute, little wooly lamblambs.

Willy?,在21世纪很难发现这些东西了。Wooly Willy It turns out these are really hard to find in the 21st century.

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,Wooly,Willy?,在21世纪很难发现这些东西了。Wooly Willy It turns out these are really hard to find in the 21st century.

这位光彩照人的歌星昨晚在雅典的舞台上身着风格大胆的连体羊毛衣。The gorgeous popstar wore a daring wooly leotard on stage in Athens last night.

因此,像一个大的羊毛毯子,保持房子的温暖,在冬天的时候。So it is like a big wooly blanket, which keeps the house warm in the winter time.

借你老爸的大码羊毛毛衣,穿上你能找到的超短苏格兰方格呢短裙。Borrow your dad's gigantic wooly sweater and wear it over the shortest kilt you can find.

但当人类开始直立行走可以出汗后我们就不再需要这些毛发了。But by the time Homo erectus arrived, the ability to sweat meant we could shed our wooly ways.

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这项工作是由40只可爱的毛绵羊来完成的。Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, little wooly lambs. David Johnson owns thevineyardvineyard.

具有柔软且长有绒毛叶片和长有珍珠白苞片伞房花序的…American everlasting having foliage with soft wooly hairs and corymbose heads with pearly white bracts.

如果你去羊场参观的话,就会发现它们要么是成群的在草地里兜圈子,要么就是在专心细致的啃草。If you visit a sheep farm, you'll likely find the wooly creatures just milling about and munching on some grass.

但是在石羽葡萄酿酒厂,没有人或者机器做修剪这份活。顶替他们的是,这份活被小绒毛羊羔完成的非常出色。But at the Featherstone Winery, no man or machine does the pruning. Instead, the job is done by forty cute, little wooly lambs.

但是在费瑟斯通酿酒厂,没有手工或者机器来帮助做修剪工作,这项工作由40只可爱的毛茸茸的羊羔来完成。But at the Featherstone Winery, no man or machine does the proningpruning. Instead, the job is done by 40 cute, little wooly lamslambs.

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西部毛狐猴生活在马达加斯加东西部森林中,已被列入马达加斯加新动植物保护计划名单。Western Wooly Lemurs are found in the forests of western Madagascar. This species is included in a new conservation roadmap developed for Madagascar.

这位光彩照人的歌星昨晚在雅典的舞台上身着风格大胆的连体羊毛衣。她以灰色底带有奶油色图案的露肩毛衣,搭配高到大腿的靴子。The gorgeous popstar wore a daring wooly leotard on stage in Athens last night.She teamed the grey, off-the-shoulder number with cream, thigh-high leather boots.

从细针距针织帽子和羊毛钩编围巾等冬季单品到厚重的靴袜衬里,各种针织款式成为配件系列中不可或缺的元素。Knit items became an integral component to accessory categories from cold weather pieces like fine-gauge knit hats and wooly crocheted scarves to bulky boot sock linings.