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我在做一项无聊的工作。I am doing a wearisome work.

那是个令人生厌的会议。That was a wearisome meeting.

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周一的会议是我工作中最冗长又无趣之处。Monday meeting is the most wearisome part of my job.

这排除了任何来自内部的令人厌烦的反对。This ruled out any wearisome opposition from within.

在灸热的阳光下行走让人感到疲倦。Walking in the burning sunshine makes people wearisome.

对他的同情最终转变为些许的厌烦。Sympathising with him eventually becomes somewhat wearisome.

如果太多,类的执行时间会很长。Too many, and the time to execute a class becomes wearisome.

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有伴侣在身旁,即使是最优秀的,也很快会感到厌倦和无聊。To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating.

在所有这些使他厌恶的面孔中,他的俊俏的妻子的面孔似乎最使他生厌。Of all the wearisome faces the face of his pretty wife seemed to bore him most.

尽管这一话题已经让人感到厌倦,梅特兰若想回避,就只能一无所获。Wearisome as this topic has become, Mr Maitland achieves nothing by skirting it.

连接著几小时,默梅尔斯坦试图说服我,一直唠叨不休地说恭维话,讲大道理。Murmelstein worked on me for hours with a wearisome flood of flattery and argument.

巷陌中的这一切,忙碌却不浑乱,活泼却不嘈杂,平淡却不厌烦。Such back streets are busy but not chaotic lively but not clamorous plain but not wearisome.

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传记的编写常常让人感到无法卒读,过于冗长,过于详尽。BIOGRAPHIES can be wearisome contrivances, often too long and too detailed for their own good.

人们明白这只不过是一种形式,随着思想的进步这种做作的行为很快就会变得索然无味。But any one can see that this is a mere form, of which the affectation grows wearisome as the work advances.

她给他写的信,不仅不能给她以安慰,反而被她视为索然无味的虚伪的义务。Her letters to him, far from giving her comfort, were looked upon by her as a wearisome and artificial duty.

在鞋厂,她熬过了长长的一天,不像前一天那么累,但是新鲜感也大大地不如前一天。At the shoe factory she put in a long day , scarcely so wearisome as the preceding, but considerably less novel.

她平顺憎恨带来的苦痛,在她的普照下,人类的生活,呈现一片祥和安康之境"She stills the gall of wearisome hate and under her influence all life among mankind is harmonious and does well."

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他踏着车走过的路线打了许多烦人的弯弯儿,为的是避免侵犯任何个人财产或践踏上施了肥的田地。The road he pedalled took many wearisome twists and turns to avoid impinging on any private property or fertile plot.

听老师讲解也好不到哪去,我发觉看教室外的草如何长更有趣点。At some point, the class was so incredibly wearisome that I longed for something more exciting, like watching grass grow.

巴利斯坦爵士会叫来一对轿椅把我们带回宴席,但攀爬依旧累人。Ser Barristan will have summoned a pair of sedan chairs to carry us back up to the banquet, but the climb can still be wearisome.